The mansion

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They interrogate the zombies and ask them where the other three, turns out the zo,bikes are total wimps and they revealed that they all attack them

They all get ready to kick their asses even more and do just that

Luffy: Looks like they ran out of here and headed for that mansion not sure about brook though

Sanji: ah he's fine don't worry about him

Zoro: let's find the others

Ryo nods: yeah

They all keep walking

Luffy: aww man how lame those zombies where a bunch of weaklings

Franky: yeah pounding their sorry faces in doesn't even count as a warmup

Ryo: I can't argue that it was boring

Zoro: but still stay focus you never know when someone a lot stronger then those guys will pop out

Sanji: wait! You're not getting scared are ya buddy?, Gonna cry?

Zoro: up yours swordsman is never afraid of the dark

Sanji: we'll see when I knock your lights out

They start fighting then

?, wait,,stop hold on a minute, I saw you fight those zombies all of you have such unbelievable strength there's something I'd like to talk too you about would you please listen

?, wait,,stop hold on a minute, I saw you fight those zombies all of you have such unbelievable strength there's something I'd like to talk too you about would you please listen

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Luffy: Old man with serious injuries

Franky, Sanji and zoro: idiot we told you they're zombies!

Ryo: (those zombies stank this guy doesn't stink nearly as much

Old man: actually he's right on the money

Franky, Sanji and zoro: that's too confusing can't you just be a zombie geez!

Luffy: alright what did you want too tell us

Ryo: yeah what's up old man

Old man: there an everlasting man that must be brought down and I think you youngsters are strong enough to do it, he's left a trail of victims in his wake if you defeat him they'll all be rescued, if you helped me get my shadow back I'd be ever so grateful

Sanji: your shadow?

Franky: he didn't we just find another guy who had his shadow taken away

Ryo checks: yeah he's telling the truth no shadow found here

Luffy: he's just like brook

Zoro: well that sucks who did that too you is he here somewhere on this island

Old: mor-Moria, his name is Moria and he's terrifying

Robin: Moria? You don't mean gecko Moria by any chance

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