The death of Portgas D Ace

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Ryo is now on the ground lying next to luffy and ace where ace grabs Ryo and pulls him using whatever strength he had left

Luffy: A...A..Ace, come on you're ok right,

Luffy sees Ace's blood on his hand

Luffy: don't worry Ace we'll get you some help K

Ace: Luffy, Ryo, I tried

Ryo: Ace come on please

Ace: you both did great, Ryo you are worthy to take my place as luffy's big brother protect him ok, take care of him

Ryo: No I'm not ready yet

Ace: thank you both for trying so hard for me, I guess this is as far as I can go, forgive me

Luffy: What are you talking about this isn't over yet, Somebody please, please help him! Come on we can still save him!

Ryo: he's right dammit! Don't just stand there he's dying! You are his family right!

A doctor runs over too Ace but

Doctor: I'm sorry 'he looks on the verge of tears himself'

Luffy: Sorry what do you mean sorry, you are a doctor aren't you

Doctor: it's too late

Ryo: there's got to be something,

Luffy: But he's still Alive! You're not even gonna try! We didn't come all this way to lose him now you can't just give up

Ace: it's no use, he burned through my organs too this is it for me, I can feel it, I can feel my life slipping away

Luffy continues begging, but the voices just fade away for Ryo

Luffy: but you promised me when we where kids you said you'd protect your little brother remember, You promised me you wouldn't die, Ace!

Ryo doesn't know why he's not crying, maybe it's all the pain from losing his eye, or the countless times he's gone beyond his limits today but everything just feels numb

Ace: oh yeah if either of you see dadan tell her I said hello and thank her for putting up with us too

Ryo: You can do all those things yourself dumbass!

Ace: I never thought I'd miss a woman like her but I guess dying does funny things too you

Luffy: don't say that you're not dying

Ace: there is one thing that hurts, I won't be around too see either of you achieve your dreams, that's fine I have faith both of you can do it, Cause your my brothers, do you remember that day


Ace: Luffy, listen there's only one way to live life

Ryo: yeah you've got to live it without any regrets right

Ace: that's right Ryo, you've gotta have no regrets at all, someday we will all head out too sea and live the way we wanna live, more free then anyone else

Flashback over

Ace: I did it, I lived with no regrets even though not ended this wayk can't complain huh

Luffy: Well i can, you can't die like this!

Ace: Sure things could've gone better but it's alright I realised I didn't need fame or fortune after all, all I needed was the answer too a single question at eh very end, did I deserve too be born

Flashbacks of some many moments during this brutal war, Everyone had to step over their fallen allies too save Ace but they still did it because that's what family does for each other

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