Take down the Tiger

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Fight together is such an amazing opening and it doesn't get enough love but it also makes me very sad

The brothers besides luffy spend a week trying to find a way to beat the tiger and completely fail every single time

They are walking back

Sabo is worried about Luffy

Ace is playing cool

Ryo is just walking new to them

Sabo to Ace: Oh come on don't you care about your little brother at all stop playing cool

Ryo: He's right Ace you being all moody like this is getting really freaking old

Ace: Shut up, he's the one that left it's not my problem if he dies

Sabo: listen, I don't know who you are trying to impress with this but Luffy

A big crack is heard

Ryo: Shave!

Ryo moves out of the way in a flash

When's a giant tree falls

Ace and Sabo barley dodge

Ryo: wow you two need to work on those reflexes

Sabo: What the hell!

Luffy: oh oops sorry you ok, uh

Ryo: Oh hey luffy knew I could smell you

Ace and Sabo: Luffy!

Luffy: Ace!, Sabo, Ryo! How ya been

Sabo: Haha pretty good

Ryo: ehh I'm not dead that's a plus

Next thing they know

They are in grey terminal watching Luffy show of the fruits of his training

His aim still sucks but his power and reach is pretty impressive

Ryo: you're getting better Luffy I'm impressed

Luffy: aww thanks Ryo, you watch I'll get even stronger

Ace to Naguri: If Roger had a son do you think he should be grateful

Naguri: Actually I'd feel sorry for him, regardless of his path his father's name would haunt him wherever he went with a legacy like that I wouldn't blame him for resenting the man and it's not like he could talk it out with him either, at any rate I was his son I wouldn't want to be a pirate his name could scarcely do me any favours, and more that likely it would put a target on my back

Ace: What the hell do you know? I'm sick of hearing your crappy lectures you really think your some great pirate prove it fight me

He rushes Naguri but the old man blocks it easily

Naguri: I'd be careful boy like I said you lose a fight you lose your life

Ace: I'm never gonna lose to you

Ace keeps trying to attack him but Naguri beats him easily

Naguri: you've still got some growing to do

Ace: dammit spare me another lecture and just finish me off

Naguri: I'll spare you another lecture and a violent death if you come with me

Ryo, Sabo and luffy are confused

They reach a cove and move down too the sea

Luffy: Come on let's see some hustle

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