The kingdom of love and passion

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They all jump off the ship

Ryo sees luffy and momo wrestling

Ryo: (what the hell is going on)

Momo puts his head in momo's chest

Ryo: (oh! I was right)

Kinemon lies a says that women wear as little as possible in dressrosa

Law tries explaining the plan after giving Nami a vivre card too a Zou basically he gets a map and tells them to search for info

And while he's talking Ryo wanders off and eventually gets too the kingdom the reason he did is because he smelt some great food

That's when he sees something that shocks him

A living, walking, talking Doll

In fact many of them

Ryo twitches

Ryo: Ahh!

Ryo hides behind luffy: Demons! They have to be demons dolls don't move and talk like that

Zoro: Wait? Are you afraid of dolls

Ryo blushes but gets out from behind luffy and coughs

Ryo: No I am not why would you think that

Sanji: uhh because you used luffy has a human shield

Luffy: Yeah he doesn't like dolls it's always been really weird

Ryo: They stare into your soul ok I just don't like that they freak me out

Toy solider: Why hello ther-

Ryo: Ahh talking monster!

Ryo kicks him sending him flying back

Ryo: oh crap sorry about that

The toy soldier gets up

Soldier: No problem happens all the time, I'm just a friendly neighbourhood solider, do I know you? I recognise your faces oh yes you where in the paper

'He spins and gets his strings tied up'

Luffy: is he a toy or a dude

Zoro: Hey uhh look at all of this

Ryo Sees toys absolutely everywhere living alongside humans

They start screaming about someone being stabbed

Turns out this happens all the time and it's because the women here are the jealous type so if their lover cheats on them they get violent

Luffy: Ok! The toys are alive I'm over it now come on let's eat

Ryo coughs: yes food will take my mind off these creepy things

Ryo puts his hood up too cover his ears and wraps his tail around his waist so it looks like a belt

He follows luffy to go and eat

That's when he senses someone it appeaes too be a blind man wearing a purple kimono and sandals 

Ryo slowly reaches for his sword handle

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