The red line once again

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They all get back too the ship

Luffy: Zoro's up, so onto our next adventure Come on! It's time to set sail!

All: Yeah!

Chopper forces bandages back on zoro

Ryo gets back on his hammock and watches the crew and sees Lola pull out a vivre card

Ryo: Hey wait is that a vivre card!

Lola: why yes it is, it's one for my mother back in the new world

Ryo: (wait she couldn't be Nah that's impossible why would one of her daughters be out here)

Lola explains vivre cards too Nami and luffy

Luffy: So that's what it was, 'he pulls out a vivre card and it's burning' that's weird I thought you said these things couldn't burn

Ryo: Wait luffy! You have one too!

Luffy: Huh do you have one Ryo

Ryo: Yeah it's a vivre card for ace

Luffy: yeah mine too

Ryo pulls out his card and like luffy it is also burning

Ryo: yeah this one is burning as well

Lola: Are you kidding let me see that!, 'she inspects it' this is definitely a vivre card but there's something I neglected too tell you before the life force of the owner is also reflected on the paper do these belong to someone close too you

Ryo: Yeah

Luffy: they belong to our big brother

Lola looks scared: I'm sorry too say this but your brother's life is on terrible danger right now

Nami: Huh!

Ryo's eyes widen

They head out of thriller bark too the open ocean and wave goodbye too their new friends

Luffy: Alright Set sail!

A little later they crew is relaxing too brook's music

Nami: Ryo, Luffy, are you sure you are both ok with this

Luffy: oh you mean ace's paper

Ryo: yeah there's nothing too worry about he'll be fine

Brook: Luffy, Ryo, we can take a detour if you both like time has proven too be no obstacle too me or laboon as long as I draw breath I know that we'll reunited  some 

Ussop: Yeah it's fine you do what you want captain we don't care some day

Chopper: yeah! I'm ready to go anywhere

Franky: Wow! I wanted to meet Luffy's and Ryo's bro and the big whale bro

Luffy: Seriously it's ok even if ace was in trouble he wouldn't want his little brothers to come and bail him out that would be crazy he hates to show his weak side and he never asks for help

Ryo: yeah if we saved his life I know exactly what he'd do he'd hit us over the head call us idiots and then shout at us for who knows how long

Luffy: exactly and as pirates we are supposed to be Rivas, anyway his adventures are his business even if they turned out bad

Ryo catches a mug

Sanji: well keep your hopes up Lola's pals where syaing that the card doesn't just shrink when someones in trouble it also gets bigger if things get bye yet for them

Luffy: good then I'll see him when he's back to full strength

Ryo: that's probably what he was thinking when he gave us those cards anyway

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