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Luffy is still resting on Ryo's lap when suddenly he snaps awake


Luffy starts thrashing about

Ryo: Dammit luffy

Ryo pins luffy down

Luffy: Argh! I couldn't save Ace!, I couldn't save my crew!


Luffy then launches a rubbery fist at Ryo sending him flying into a tree and he goes right through it and skids along the ground looking injured as hell and of course missing his right eye

Ryo: luffy

He hears luffy thrashing around until he then heads another crash

Jinbei: it is ok for you too cry! Ryo understandings that! That is why he's so calm! So long as you are consumed by regrets and guilt you will never find you way forward, Luffy your pain may be great but you must not let it devour you, there is yet joy beyond your sorrows, what's gone may be gone, but you still have something left in this world to treasure don't you

Ryo sits up tears staining his face, injuries everywhere all in all he looks weak

Zoro: Hey Ryo, wanna spar

Nami: Ryo! There's a big storm on the horizon wake the hell up

Ussop: I'm sorry for my actions back on water 7 Ryo you can trust me I will grow stronger and then I will never make luffy cry again

Sanji: Hey Ryo here, I thought you could use something good after all that training you did but don't forget in exchange you got to deliver the drinks too Nami and Robin

Chopper: you really are so reckless you know that right, but it doesn't matter because I'll be here too make you all better

Robin: Ryo, mind telling me how your electro powers works I'd loved to know and maybe you can tell me more about minks in general

Franky: Yo Ryo! How's that's board treating ya I've got some rad new ideas too improve it if you'd let me

Brook: I'd really love to hear about this friend of yours name Uta she sounded amazing

Zoro: Ryo

Nami: Ryo

Ussop: Ryo

Sanji: Ryo

Chopper: Ryo

Robin: Ryo

Franky: Ryo

Brook: Ryo

All: Ryo!

Ryo then gets a vision of a strong white haired wiman who had horns and was wielding a mighty club

Yamato: Hey Ryo don't forget you've got a promise too keep you better not let me down

Ryo starts to chuckle under his breath and even crying a little

Ryo: Yeah it's like Marco said there's still the crew

Luffy: Ryo!

Ryo's eyes widen and he gets up

Ryo: Luffy!

Luffy: We need to get back to the ship no matter how long it takes right

Ryo: yeah they are waiting for us

Luffy: I know they'll be there

Ryo: yeah they will be so we better not keep them waiting right

Luffy: yeah!

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