The war is over

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Ryo is still hiding but then a pacifista lands in front of him

Ryo: Crap!

Ryo gets out of his hiding spot looking well let's just say it looks like he'll collapse at at any moment

Ryo: Thun-

Ryo feels intense pain and falls too one knee as a massive beam is aimed right at him

That's when


Hancock slams her leg down on the pacifista destroying it completely


Ryo: Hancock?

Hancock: Hey, you ok

Ryo: well not really but thanks for the back up

Hancock: I'd do anything for my beloveds family so I'd recommend getting out of here

Ryo: Thank you Hey Hancock

Hancock: hmm

Ryo: If Luffy ever agrees to marry you, you have my blessing

Hancock blushes and looks like she's about to pass out

Hancock: his brother has accepted me!

Ryo sweatdrops and runs through the war

Ryo: (Crap this isn't good I'm extremely low on energy)

Whitebeard pirate: Ryo! Over here

He looks too see some Whitebeard pirates Climbing onto a ship

One runs over to him and helps him move

Whitebeard pirate: you've done amazingly Ryo I'm sorry that-

Ryo looks like he's about to cry again but he dries his tears: It's fine! We can cry later right now we need to focus on leaving this hell

The Whitebeard pirate nods

Ryo is put onto a ship where he sees Jinbei carrying luffy, then Invankov, Inazuma and Some Whitebeard pirates fight of Akainu

Ryo: why won't this freak quit, my brother is literally comatose yet they are still attacking him how can they possibly call this justice

Pirate: Every single one of us has thought the same thing whole fighting the navy but there's nothing we can do too change it

That's when Teach emerges from under a black tarp and swings his arm like Whitebeard and creates an earthquake

Ryo's eyes widen in horror and dread

Ryo: (what? But how's that possible)

Hirito; That was pretty awesome Captain

Blackbeard: why thank you

Pirate: He stole that power form pops!

Pirate: But how that isn't normal is it

Blackbeard: a hand darkness to call forth the void, a hand of light to shake the heavens and rend the earth, Both are mine and the world will tremble with my every step, only a real fool will dare defy me

Pirate: hang on I thought if you tried to get a second devil fruit power than your body would like blow up

Marco: yeah for normal people that's how it works, but you know as well as I do that teach is anything but normal and with that body of his he can pull a trick we couldn't of dream of, he's probably been planning this thing for ages

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