The promise

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The now three brothers are told

Ace: Huh we are burning down grey terminal but why the hell would you want to do that!

Bluejam: Quiet down, if anyone finds out it won't work

Ryo: you truly are a scumbag

Luffy: Yeah Ryo is right I knew we shouldn't of trusted you we got to hurry and tell everyone we can!

Bluejam: Hey shut him up 'a pirate grabs luffy' I'm just following orders same as you, in case you didn't guess all those boxes you've been lugging around are filled with explosives you get it nothing will survive that fire and no-one

Luffy: What

Ryo: How much worse can you pirates get

Ace: Bluejam don't do it

Bluejam: heh since when did you brats start giving a damn about other people, well now that you know about the grand plan you are stuck here we can't let you go sorry in fact there's something I've been meaning to ask you boys, so tell me is it true you brats are hiding treasure somewhere

They just glare at him

Next thing they know the fire has started raging and as for the brothers they are tied up and surround be fire

Luffy is noting moving

Ace and Ryo are trying to break free

Ace: can't you just use your electricity

Ryo: yeah I can but it'll carry through the ropes and get you too unless you wanna be fried before the fire gets here

Ace: alright plan b

Ryo sees ace with a bit of glass

Ryo takes out his claws and starts cutting

Luffy crying: It's way to hot I think I'm gonna melt!

Ace: then hell you are

Ryo: Not while we are here

They break out

Ace: damn why did Bluejam rope us into this mess

Ryo: I don't know and right now I don't care right now we need to get out of here

Ace: yeah you're right

Luffy: I wanna get away I don't wanna die

Ace: if you don't stop complaining I'm gonna kill you

Luffy: oh it's not that hot

Ryo: that's better now let's get out of here

They run through the fire

Luffy: I cam barley breath, I mean I'm cool, the fire will kill us all. We're gonna be fine

Ryo: just try not to talk the more you do  the more oxygen you waste breathable air if you don't know what oxygen is

Ace: Ryo is right and it'll be fine we'll live somehow

Ryo gives a sign to ace and luffy, they start running

Ace: Keep running luffy don't stop

Luffy nods

Ryo: (I'm getting why luffy is complaining this fire is making it almost impossible to move)

Then some flaming wood falls in front of them

Luffy: do you think all those olds guys got away safe

Ryo: I'm sure they're fine there's a reason they are old because they are tough

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