The strawhats determination

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The trio from last time is seen running from a lot of citizens because zoro led an angry mob too them

They turn into an alleyway and luffy has to pull zoro to go the right way and then Ryo jumps onto a building while the others hide under a bridge and then chopper makes luffy jump and he falls onto the water Ryo appears from nowhere and grabs him

Chopper: uhh

Ryo: yeah I know it's time we compare notes

They are then all seen on a roof together

Zoro: looks like the crowd cleared out

Nami: yeah no thanks too you I'll have you know that luffy, Ryo and I had a perfectly good hiding spot before you led that angry mob straight too us

Zoro: like I said with that many people looking for us they where going to find us anywhere

Luffy: oh yeah that reminds me how did you know we where done there chopper

Choper: your smell

Luffy: ah should've known but wait wasn't Sanji with you

Chopper: well he was..

They explain the interaction they had with Robin

Luffy: no wait that doesn't make any sense did Robin really say that too you!

Chopper: Mhmm

Ryo sighs

Zoro: we where prepared for this weren't we after all Robin was our enemy before we let her join the crew this might be our only chance to find out the truth so we shouldn't run away there are still a lot of things we don't know about Robin now it's time to decide if she's a friend or a foe

Robin said that they will never see them again and things are going to get worse

Zoro: are you sure that's all she said chopper?

Chopper nods

Ryo: so she's never going to see us again and things are going to get way worse then they are now maybe that means she has bigger plans then the attack on iceberg which means a bigger plan for tonight but this is speculation so I have no idea

Zoro: yeah none of us know why Robin is doing any of this so we can't guess but seeing how much commotion her first attack caused there's only one way too make things worse

Nami: in other words she'll murder him

Ryo: yeah,that seems about right maybe

Zoro: also considering chopper said she's trying to pin the crime on is then maybe she's feeding us all these little hints to try and draw us to the crime scene tonight

Chopper: think so

Ryo: if that was her plan it would be convenient for her since it would put us at the scene of the crime

Nami: Zoro,you say you don't know what she's thinking but it sounds to me you've already decided that she's our enemy and same goes for you Ryo

Ryo: again this is speculation for all we know what we need to do is prepare for the worst case scenario if Robin really is our friend then that just means we've over prepared then we can forgive her but if she's our enemy we need to be ready to take her down

Zoro: yeah whay Ryo said our best chance to settle this is tonight, are we going?

Luffy: of course

Ryo cracks his knuckles

Nami: it's not that I object to the plan but it feels like we're forgetting something Sanji said he saw Robin walking with someone in a mask right, obviously that wasn't one of us but iceberg said the exact same thing he wa attacked by Robin and a large man in a mask he didn't recognise whoever he is I bet he's the reason Robin is doing all of this stuff

Chopper: yeah! That means it isn't her fault and we just need to beat the real bad guy right

Zoro: that's the ideal situation but it's also a possibility that this guy is one of Robin's friends

Nami: the problem is we don't have much too go on other than a big man ina mask so where do we even start what's our goal here

Luffy: we find Robin and capture her

Ryo: right too the point it's a good idea

Luffy: it's the only way we'll ever know the truth

Zoro: you're right we are wasting time here trying to figure it out, however Robin won't be easy to catch the world government has been trying for 20 years and it still hasn't happened

Ryo: well..guess we better get started then

Nami: yeah like luffy said it's the only way we'll ever know for sure

Chopper: yeah let's settle this right now

Luffy: right come on Galley La is waiting

A little whole before they had to the mansion

Ryo and luffy are hanging back  by themselves

Ryo: I heard you had a fight with franky and lost we both know you would've won if you ate something

Luffy: I'm still not hungry

Ryo: and I still don't care

Luffy with his eyes being hidden: Ryo tell me do you think Robin really betrayed us

Ryo: I honestly don't know I felt Robin and I get close over the last adventure she definitely found me interesting so I guess she could of been considered one of us

Luffy: one of us huh like Ussop was one of us

Ryo flinched: yeah..

They stay like that for a while in an uncomfortable silence

Ryo: what happened with Ussop can't be helped he made his choice

Luffy: but..

Ryo: you still care about him

Luffy: yeah,.you could say I love Ussop like a brother but 'he grits his teeth' I still want too smash his face in!

Ryo's eyes widen and then they got dull

Ryo: I know how you feel ever since that devil I've wanted to kill him myself no pirate should take to their captain or friend that way

Luffy: he said I didn't care, that I would just leave a friend behind, Even if he was upset about the merry how could he say such things does he really think that low of me

Ryo: again I've got no idea although there is a chance he didn't mean any of it when we let our emotions get out of control we can say things we don't really mean

Luffy: or we can say what's truly in our hearts, in just a day we've lost two comrades,..I..don't know what I'd do if we lost another friend especially..if she really betrayed us

Ryo: too find that out we need to confront Robin ourselves and get the truth out of her it may hurt but if you have to keep yourself together if

Luffy: if I don't remain strong who will you all depend on

Ryo: yeah,,exactly that is the duty of a captain that's why I need you too rely on me too Rely on your big brother too help you get through this

Luffy looked at Ryo from below his hat and a very small smile made his way into his face the kind of smile that only someone who knows him as well as Ryo could notice

Luffy: thank you..Ryo

Ryo gives a very small smile as well

Ryo: no problem Now let's go and find our archaeologist

Luffy grabs Ryo's hand and gets up

Luffy: right

They head to the mansion

The idea is zoro, Nami, chopper and Ryo will make a commotion and luffy will sneak into icebergs room when Robin shows up

And that's a wrap

Damn that last part was heavy huh  loved writing it totally didn't make me really sad

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