Its time for round 2

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All the strawhats are ready to kick some ass

While their allies are bringing down the bridge

Chopper: look the drawbridge is lowering

Sanji:  our reinforcements pulled it together after all and just in time too

Sk: I'm trembling with excitement

Zoro: come on hurry up

Nami: looking scary there zoro

Ryo cracks his hand creating sparks of electricity in anticipation

Luffy: Hey Robin we'll save you no matter what!

Spandam: No stay over there!

The drawbridge stops

Ryo: well crap

Sanji: what happened why'd it stop

Luffy: damn those marines they really piss me off! Stop getting in the way!

Spandam is laughing manically again and goes to take Robin away but he's stopped by franky holding up blueprints

Spandam is freaking out

Frank talks for a while about how everything they said about Robin was wrong

So he takes the blueprints

And burns them too ashes

Then the frank family appear

Zambai: Big bro! Hey look! We are all down here big bro!

They all call out too him saying they are all going home together

Franky is crying: what no way aww dammit you guys I didn't ask ya BUT YOU STILL CAME

The franky and his bros are having a heart warming reunion

Ryo: (alright that's enough)

Luffy: SHUT UP


zoro and Nami: Wow you two calm down



Zoro: oh yeah right, What the hell are you waiting for!

Nami: No kidding get moving already don't make me come down there!

Zambai: uhh yes mam

Sanji: Wow Nami you are sexy when you boss people around

Franky: Hey strawhat thanks for helping out my men while I was gone but now the gangs all here the one and only franky we'll show you how super is gratitude can be

Luffy: I don't need your help! I'm still mad about what you did too Ussop so don't think we're friends!

Ryo chuckles

Spandam suddnely pushes franky off of the tower

Sk: Franky!

?: Hey strawhat!

Nami to the transponder snail: Huh granny Kokoro

Kokoro: I heard everything, why are you all just standing around

Nami: we are not just standing around the bridge broke there's no way over

Kokoro: it's about half way down isn't it that's more than enough hang on I'll be there in about 4 seconds jump into the waterfall give it all you've got trust me

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