The counter attack

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A member of the seven warlords trafalgar law

A powerful rookie whose butted heads with the world give,rent countless times Strawhat luffy

A pirate whose known for hunting down and killing a world noble Dragon killer Ryo

Their crewmate the demon child Nico Robin is with them as well

The others seem to be Smoker and Tashigi from the navy

The caged team comes up with a plan

Franky uses a fireball to burn a random navy ship

This caused smoke to fill the cage and everyone starts coughing

Law is free and then uses his sword to free all of them

Ryo gets up and stretches

Law switches smoker and Tashigi back to normal and Tashigi freaks out about having her chest exposed

They then swallow their prides and law frees them on the one condition that he forgets that law worked for joker

Luffy: what's going on down there

Luffy opens the cage by bending the bars

Luffy: Alright no more waiting I'm gonna go see

Luffy jumps out

Ryo shrugs then runs and jumps after him

Law: Those idiots they didn't even hear the plan

Franky: should've kept them tied up then

Robin: Luffy does something crazy the second your back is turned and Ryo well he just goes along with luffy since he knows whatever ues doing is going to be the most fun

Law gets even angrier

Franky flies off using his farting

Tashigi is pouting

Law is even more annoyed now

Law uses room and now they are inside the lab

Then they kicked some serious ass

Tashigi: we made it all our men are inside

Law: alright let's see if we can get my heart back

Luffy laughs: this is gonna be awesome

Ryo: definitely awesome

Smoker: I'm working with pirates how shameful

The marines get in and law starts shutting the door

Then the door is sliced open and crocotaur charges in along with the rest of the crew and the samurai too

Luffy: Haha hey zoro!

Ryo: Wow cutting it pretty close their bud

Robin: although you certainly do know how to make an entrance

Marines: Now there's a giant hole in shutter!

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