Binks Brew

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Before the party luffy sees Ryo lying on the ground and choppy by his side and runs over

Luffy: Ryo! Chopper Is he ok?

Chopper: He lost a lot of blood but as long as he gets plenty of rest he should be fine

Luffy: that's good but can I make a request for Ryo

Chopper is slightly surprised: yeah sure

Luffy: can you take him to somewhere private

Chopper nods: if that's what my patient needs it's what he'll get

Chopper carries Ryo and luffy follows close behind

The other strawhats are still confused but they go back to sorting the treasure and food

Chopper: alright first we need too get this shirt off

Chopper removes Ryo's jacket and shirt

Chopper: is it alright if I see his back luffy

Luffy: yes,you're his doctor it's fine

Chopper is surprised by luffy's tone but continues his eyes widen a fraction

Choper: what the..who would do this

Luffy: Ryo will tell us eventually but for right now make sure he can heal

Chopper: Right! I'll make sure the bandages cover it

Luffy: thank you chopper

Chopper: of course I'm a doctor he's my patient that's all there is too it and he's also my friend

Luffy nods and stands by the door too stop people coming in

Sanji then knocks on the door

Sanji: Hey can I come in

Luffy: chopper?

Chopper: it's covered, let him in

Luffy: Yup all good Sanji

Sanji walks in: How's fox boy doing

Chopper: better he's resting now he should be fine

Sanji: of course he will I just wanted to return this too him it fell off during his fight with the bear guy

Luffy: thanks Sanji I bet he'll love too see it again

Sanji: something tells me that's his version of your hat luffy

Luffy: yeah it is someone special gave that too him and he never goes anywhere without it but it looks like he changed it in the two years we didn't see each other

Sanji: Really who knows

Chopper: ok I think it's safe too move him back to where zoro is now

Sanji: why wasn't he with moss head before

Chopper: well

Luffy: he doesn't like to show his back too other people

Sanji: oh right yeah

Chopper: it is strange that he was injured as badly as he was him and zoro I wonder what happened

Luffy: who knows all that matters now is it's over and we are all alive

Sanji: yeah you're right captain

Chopper: that's a good point luffy


Ryo and zoro are sleeping

The two pirates explained to Sanji what happened to Ryo and zoro

Sanji: Reckless morons

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