The saddest fight in history

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the crew takes Ussop back to the merry

That evening

Chopper: Hey! Ussop is finally awake you guys!

Luffy: Alright good to hear

Nami sighs: that's one less thing too worry about

Luffy goes too ussop

Sanji: Robin still isn't back yet

Ryo: I know I'm actually starting to get worried I mean I know she can take care of herself but..

Sanji: Yeah

Ryo sends a small bit of electricity towards sanji's cigarette and lights it for him

Ryo walks forward too make sure Ussop is ok

(Ok this scene is coming this is not going to be fun too write)

The crew is with Ussop

Nami: You know I oughta punch you for scaring us like that

Sanji: yeah no kidding though it looks like you've taken enough punches already if you ask me what where you thinking taking those guys on alone 

Zoro: you can't just run off and fight whoever you want

Sanji: oh that's a good one coming from you

Ussop crying: this wouldn't of happened if I was strong like you guys, it's all my fault.I'm so ashamed of myself!

He hugs zoro's leg

Ussop: I knew how important that money was

Zoro: I get it your sorry but you don't have to get all touchy feely on me

Ussop: all our saving all the trouble we went through what about the merry

Chopper: take it easy you shouldn't be out of bed yet

Nami: calm down stop whining and listen to the doctor

A little later

Ussop: so is there a chance we might get our money back after all

Ryo: the chances are low but we won't actually know until franky shows his face

Ussop: I see I'm sorry

Luffy: hey even if we can't get the rest back we still have 100 million beris left over don't worry Hahaha

Nami: yeah but he lost twice that much!

Everyone even Sanji gives her a look of disapproval at that remark

Chopper: Nami

Nami: uh. sorry ussop

Ussop: no it's fine more importantly is merry going to be ok, can we get her repaired with the money we have left, we're lucky we have all these awesome shipwrights to work on her I know things are going to get rough out there so I want her too be stronger than ever before we gotta do a lot more than just a little touch up so do you think those guys will still do a good job if we only have 100 million to pay with you guys talked to them about it right

Luffy: uhh yeah but we aren't getting them repaired we've decided to get a new ship instead

Ryo: (yeah just gotta rip off that Bandaid it's unfortunate but true)

Luffy: I know that we probably should of asked you first but we didn't have much choice but we didn't have much choice either way the going merry has taken good care of us but it looks like our journey with her has to end here

Ussop seems devastated

Ryo closes his eyes and lets his hair fall in his face to avoid looking at Ussop

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