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The shipwrights are shouting for them

Zoro: sounds like something is going on down there what do you see

Chopper: they are all kind of standing around now but they are all huge and armed and angry

Nami: we need to be careful those guys have a reputation for being able to handle themselves when push comes to shove we don't wanna rush in and do anything we're gonna regret later

Luffy: yeah if we just rush in swinging we'll just be asking for trouble

Nami seems exasperated by this considering what happened earlier

Zoro tells chopper too keep a look out

And the crew just wait for the right moment

Ryo's stomach growls

Luffy gives him a glare that just says hypocrite

Ryo looks away not catching luffy's eye

After a wait something goes kaboom

Chopper: Ah something blew up!,

A whole lot of other stuff happens and some person in a mask starts running around and taking down ship wrights

Chopper: so they all seem pretty worked up down there

Zoro: yeah there's definitely something going on there, so when do we make our move

Ryo: luffy is gone


Ryo shrugs: I'll see you guys later Bye!

Zoro: Tch now him too

Nami: I thought we weren't going to rush into anything!

Chopper: too late

Ryo jumps to the top of galley La and finds a ton of shipwrights on the ground

Ryo: oh man hmm whoever did this was strong these guys have all been taken down with one hit by none of them are dead

?: oh so she messed up then dead she should've known

That's when a kunai flies right past Ryo and stabs one of the shipwrights in the gut and it pulls him over

?: Tch must be really knocked out so sleep forever

Finger pistol!

The cloaked figure stabs the shipwright with the finger and blood spurts out of the shipwright doesn't even twitch any more

Ryo: who the hell are you!

Hooded: Well hello Raikiri Ryo I assume yooge heard of Cp9!

Ryo: no dammit!

Hooded: that's correct so it's a good thing that you aren't our target are you'd be dead but..since you are here I may as well killed you

The assassin takes off his hood and reveals a strong man and he whips around a kunai on a chain

The assassin takes off his hood and reveals a strong man and he whips around a kunai on a chain

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