A blood fueled battle

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Ryo and Kryos are staring each other down

Ryo is crackling with lightning all over and his claws have been encased in lightning

Kyros has grown to twice his usual size and looks way stronger

They two start clashing over and over again

Ryo manages too dodge a lot of his attacks with his amped up speed by Kryos's skin has become so strong that the lightning barley works and his hits only make him flinch but luckily thanks to Ryo's Haki irs about the same for him

Kryos: well it looks like our power is just about even

Kryos: in that case let's just keep clashing in a huge slug fest

The two keep clashing over and over again

Ryo: I'm not going down!

Kryos: Aell too bad! Because we fishmen WILL REIGN SUPREME

The both rush at each other again and don't stop clashing


Kryos jumps and brings down both his arms in a hammer like motion

Ryo puts his arms up in an x shape blocking the attack completely


Ryo pushes Kryos back and the spins on one foot and then strikes kyros in the face with a lightning powered kick

Kryos: ugh! Fine guess I need to truly reveal my trump card.

Blood flies out of him and he forms a sword in his hand

Ryo: wow so you can create a sword with your blood

Kryos: that's correct and it's the technique I'm going to use too kill you

Ryo; well you aren't the only one to be able to pull off that trick

He grabs his sword handle and forms his lightning sword and rushes at Kryos

They clash blades

Ryo: Wait how can you sword touch mine

Kryos: I've always been able to hit logia's and damage people with devil fruits could never figure out why though

Ryo: (this guy can use armament Haki and he doesn't even realise it!)

Ryo calms down

Ryo: whatever let's just fight I'm getting bored with all this talking

Kryos: Agreed!

The two clash blades over and over again creating a ton of shock waves

Ryo: now lightning sword style! Electro-blade dance!

Kryos: Bloody barrage!

The fishman sends out a storm of blood projectiles

Ryo: (he can manipulate his own blood now that's a intense technique)

Ryo slices every blade projectile blocking every single one

Kryos: Sanguine shroud!

Kryos let's loose a lot of his blood and it turns into a dark red mist

Kryos: hahaha hope you're ready!

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