A homecoming and The truth of the demon

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Ryo flies too the front door and sighs

Then using his courage he opens the door and sees a nice place that clearly hasn't be used in a while but kept clean

He walks in and finds loads of old stuff

He finds what looks to be a picture of Him, His mum and his dad back when he was less than a year old

Ryo: Wow, this has been here untouched for two decades, incredible

He puts it down and keeps on looking around

He opens a door too see a room with a big bed

Ryo: Guess this must have been my parents room

He walks in and finds more pictures of them including a picture of a grinning akuma who looked a little younger than he did in the other one

Ryo: Guess this must have been before they had me, I wonder how he lost that eye, *His hand goes to his own eyepatch* guess like father like son*

That's when he notices something, there's a small vault thing in the corner of the room

Ryo kneels down to see it

Ryo: Huh wonder what the passcode is

Ryo the saw an engraving in the top

"The Day our lives became even more electrifying"

Ryo raises an eyebrow and thinks

Ryo: No it couldn't be

He decides to enter the code of his birthday

He then hears a satisfying click and the door opens

Ryo: Oh wow

He opens it fully and sees nothing in there but a book

He picks it up and tries to open it but then notices there's a metal strap around it in the shape of an X

Ryo sniffs the metal

Ryo: Seastone,,yeah I'm not breaking this (At least not yet) but I'll keep it who knows might be useful later on

He puts it in his pocket and walks out of the room

Ryo: Thanks guys I think you left me something important

He then walked around until he found another door

He then walked in and saw a very small bed, there where pictures and some old dusty toys, with some small dusty clothes

Ryo smiles sadly: I'll give myself one guess whose room this is..was

He picks up a picture of himself when he was a baby

Ryo: Hmm I suppose I was a cute baby

He starts to explore until he finds a sword stand with something on top of it

He starts to explore until he finds a sword stand with something on top of it

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Ryo: (it's a sword handle, it's beautiful)

He then sees there's a note

Ryo opens it

"Hey Ryo it's your dad, I know I really wished I had lived too see you grow up too, sorry about that, I bet you look just like me too expect those ears and tail, those are going to get you in trouble *Ryo chuckles* if you're wondering why I'm talking in the past tense, well I'm probably dead now and I assume you've already figured out who it was,

*Ryo senses that his dad probably paused before he wrote this part* a long time ago, a man named Portgas D Kenji and a woman named Shimotuski Reiko, Had two children, their names where portgas D Akuma and Hirito, the two I mentioned above where you grandparents, it's important to note that your grandad also had a sibling who had a daughter named Rouge, heh I hope you know what that means *Ryo smiles  knowing exactly what this means*

anyway, me and my brother grew up being trained by two incredibly strong warriors meaning that we quickly got strong as well, my dad was a retired pirate and my mum was a powerful swordswoman they sailed the seas together for a while but when they had us they settled down, As I mentioned they trained us too be strong and wise, but as it goes with our family the good times don't last forever, when me and your brother where teenagers, the world government finally hunted us down my parents your grandparents fought against a bustercall which also contained one of the admirals at the time, who I believe has a child that'll probably be a strong marine but who knows, *Ryo wonders why his dad mentioned this part but keeps reading*

Anyway me and my brother left our home and set out too sea, like I'll one day get you too do, We quickly built up a reputation as the twin demons but when we became adults we split, your uncle was more interested in getting rich, as for me I just wanted to be free and to grow as strong as I could that's what got me to be the demon of the sea, someone who could rival even Gol D Roger and Edward Newgate, I met ember and we spent a lot of time on Zou together sometimes venturing out into the world,

but then Roger got sick my dear friend someone who I'd call my brother in everything but blood told me he was going to die, I left ember who completely understood and fought with Roger for a month straight, with no breaks except too eat, the battle ended in a draw and almost destroyed an island afterwards i retuned too Zou, Then shortly after I heard about Roger's execution, I don't think I laughed or drunk or cried so much in one night, but then a while later I was struck by a lightning bolt, you where born and it was the happiest time of my life

but again those times don't last forever, you see there's something I never told you about my brother, one day we where fighting a band of pirates and he killed one, then he seemed to get a taste for it and killed a lot more. Then one day his bloodlust only grew, he found a powerful devil fruit by the named The blood blood fruit, a logia, you can probably guess what it does *Ryo nods* with this he became unbelievably powerful he was given the alias the bloody wolf, I still loved him though and we seemed to get along just fine but he seemed to change since you where born every now and again I'd see him looking at you with a grin that I didn't like,

So one day in comforted him, he got angry and left, Then a few months later a couple of days before the anniversary of Roger's execution he wanted me meet him on a remote island in the east blue, Just because h wanted to talk with no-one to disturb us

He then sees the rest of it is stained with tears

I'm sorry my son, I'm going to meet him but I don't think I'll return, knowing my luck you're probably reading this after going through who knows how much haha I really have the worst luck, the luck of the D I suppose,

on a brighter note that sword that you found this note with was mine but I took the blade out it's been made by a super conductive material knowing you you've probably already made a lightning sword but this'll make it even stronger and more focused call it one final gift from father to son, But there's a book you should read but I warn you you'll find it hard to open but you'll figure it out haha you are my son after all

This will be the last thing I ever write too you, so too be extra cheesy and cliche I just want to say I love you, you where one of lights that kept me going, Grow up, fight, get strong, fall in love, Then when you've done all that stand at the top of this world as the strongest that is my wish

Finally when you've done all that, I'll be waiting too hear all about it but don't go too soon ok your mother would be pissed

Never give up and break through any wall

Love your dad

Ryo closed the note

And tears fell from his eyes, where they tears of happiness or sadness who really knows

Next thing we see is Ryo stepping out of the house his new sword by his side

Ryo smirking: Thanks dad, don't worry I won't let you down

And that's a wrap

Boom been waiting a while for this one

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