Heavens judgemnt!

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Ryo knocks the captain out

Luffy: what's wrong with those guys

Nami: forget them that old lady ratted us out she lied too us she said it was ok for us to pass through but when we did they accused us of illegal entry that's flat out fraud

Ryo: while that's true we are pirates we would've forced our way through anyway because come on how's that old lady gonna stop us

Nami: shut up!

Pagaya: in any case you're in a great deal of trouble your now second degree criminals and as such I'm afraid conis and I are unable to assist you any longer

He says this standing really far away

Nami: Why are so taking to us from way over there

Luffy: I don't get what the big deal is I'm surprised you are not used too this by now hehehe I've been meaning to ask why'd you two come back we where finally going to set sail and head out on an amazing adventure I mean we where about to come looking for you two we where getting worried

Ryo: believe me I wanted to stay but the scary weather witch made me leave

Luffy: oh that makes sense 


Ryo is on the ground clutching his head: (seriously how is she so strong)

Nami then slaps luffy and stars smacking him

Nami: I think you and I need to have a little talk forget about your adventure, it's never gonna happen you haven't seen what I've seen they have the types of people you don't want to mess with I don't care who you think you are granted we don't know who this guy is but his powers are real and there's no way I'm going back there again so forget it

Luffy: how about you just relax here while the rest of us go

Nami: are you kidding we are wanting criminals I'm not staying here a moment longer either

Luffy: are you nuts get your priorities straight the adventure is always the most important part

Nami: my priorities are life first then money

Nami hits luffy

Sanji: please tell me I'm third on that list

Nami punches Sanji

Nami: don't push me

Ussop: you raise good point we put all our energy into getting up here but we never thought about how we where going to get back, is there a way back to the blue sea world can we ever even go home again

Conis: there is a way but I'm afraid at this junction there is no hope of escape your only possibility is to make your way to cloud end and get back home

Ussop: what's cloud end and how are we supposed to get there

Conis: it's a region that lies far to the east the only way for you too get there is to travel across the white White Sea

Ussop: ok we sail east and we eventually get home

Ryo: darn and my first adventure with you guys too aww

Luffy: yeah I don't wanna go home

Ussop: your other option is stay and get sentenced to death

Nami: listen luffy I don't want you too causing any more trouble for conis and her dad

Conis: no, don't worry about us

Nami: even if we leave right now there's no guarantee we'll make a clean escape we don't have any time to lose so just get on the ship you'll have your big adventure I promise but right now we need to get going

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