We still have one more friend

389 16 6

Destruction is everywhere

This is the power of a bustercall

The bridge is being avoided due to aolkiji not wasted Nico Robin dead

Robin is on the ground shaking

Ryo: (Crap)

Ryo crouches down beside her and wraps his arms around her


Ryo: yeah just please try to relax

Robin: this is a buster call, indifferent too the horror it creates there won't be a single life spared it's hellfire consumes all how could this happen not even once but twice

Ryo: it'll be ok remember whose still fighting for you,

Robin: luffy

Ryo: that's right believe in our captain he'll win and then we can get the hell out of here

Robin doesn't saying anything she just leans into Ryo

(Ok I wanna get this straight that as much as I love Robin she's not the love interest they are just going to have a very close relationship)

Spandam is still laughing even though is face is swollen

Spandam: come on quit trembling and go and capture Nico Robin the quicker this is dealt with the quicker I'll be seen as the worlds hero the buster call sounds like a firework celebration held in my honour

They then see a huge fist crash through the building

Then lucci is sent flying into a ship and him and luffy clash once again until luffy is on the ground

Then him and lucci fight on a battle ship

Roo: tch dammit

Franky: why don't you go and help him

Ryo: you don't know luffy he'd kill me if I di

Spandam: It's all over for you and your friends rather it was over form the start!

Ryo: Oh yeah!

Franky: yeah what do you know he's just getting started

Spandam: Oh come on lucci is strongest man in the history of cp9 it doesn't matter what you did against those other guys you are dealing with a real monster now! And once he's don't with your stretchy friend you are next! Fox boy!

Ryo: pfft! Hahaha!

Spandam: what's so funny

Ryo: Luffy won't lose trust me no matter how many times you knock that guy down he just gets back up again even stronger than before that's what makes my brother special he refuses too quit until his opponent is down!

Then the battleship explodes

Spandam: Hahaha your precious brother was rampaging aboard that battleship and now he's a pile of ashes hahaha your captain is de-


Spandam is sent flying again


Spandam struggles but gets back in his feet

Spandam: Do you really think you can withstand the merciless nature of the bustercall

Franky: merciless is right that ship was full of their own men

Spandam: that's right now do the right thing and hand over Nico Robin this is the face of Justice! Cutty flam if you cooperate I'll see that your pardoned for your crimes I can understand the fox boy but why you cutty flam why are you bothering too protect this woman anyway what's in it for you, you're not even a pirate the world government is devoted too protecting normal citizens like you form crimals like her do you really trust her this woman with blood on her hands if you choose to defy us well you remember what happened to Tom

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