Its over now onto the next thing

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Ryo is back having helped freeing the marines

The kids get onto the ship and the marines prepare to take them home on the tanker

Brook: Safe travels too you

Marine: listen and listen good you Damn pirates since this tanker belongs to us now

They create another line

Marine: here's the border

Marine 2: don't even think about crossing over to our side this is the division between good and evil

Marine 3: keep back not one more step

Ryo: Really guys this again but I helped you save your friends and we where all just partying

Marine 2: what's your point the party's over not that we don't appear is what you did

Marines bow: we are thankful for the meal and the assistance in saving our comrades

Marine 4: but still pirates are our sworn enemies worst scum in the world

Marines: Yeah!

They make the noise to set out

The marines block out the children from seeing them

Sind: Bye guys

Kid: we'll miss you

Moka: goodbye

Marines: Why are you getting so emotional, we stand for justice cheer for us, don't let the pirates try and fool you kids they're bad guys, pirates  are only scum dregs of society, but marines stand for law and order don't let the pirates poison your minds kids

The kids keep shouting for them and moving to try and see them but the marines keep blocking them

Chopper: boy all things considered I'm glad they are healthy enough to yell like that

Ryo: my thoughts exactly doc

Nami: Tashigi said she's going to reach out the vegapunk for assistance in finding a cure for the kids

Chopper: oh yeah! That's great

Ryo: that does make me happy

The marines keep yelling about wanting to block the kids but they are having flashbacks about all the strawhats did for them

The marines start chanting about not liking pirates

Nami feeds luffy and Sanji hits him on the head

The marines have flashbacks of Ryo jumping in front of the poison gas to blow it back to give them time to escape and about him breaking them out of the fossilisation

Tashigi: Stop it this instant! Shame on you all!

They all stop and start properly crying

Marine: you don't get it Tashigi we have to keep saying bad stuff about them otherwise we'd end Jo doing the unforgivable We might end up liking these guys!

All the marines have lowered the border and are crying their eyes out

Luffy: Haha bunch of weirdos

Ryo: Yeah got that right hehehe

The strawhats are allowed to wave the kids off

Kids: When we grow up do you know wat we wanna be,

Pirates like you!

Marines: Please Don't!

Luffy laughs

Nami: You be safe!

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