The wanted poster

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Luffy: Fresh fish delivery let's see which one do I want

Ryo: Ooh I gotta pick one out too

Luffy: I'll take that one

Ryo: Damn I wanted that one ok I'll take that one now Luna dance!

He jumps up too the flying fish and landed on one

Ryo: Hey

Guy: ahhh!

Ryo: Oh shut up!

Ryo punches the guy in the face and he falls off his fish

Ryo then grabs the handles and swings round and starts flying


He then notices the fish diving

Ryo: Hmmm guess I should probably get off huh

Then a huge splash is heard and Ryo emerges from the water and lands on the ship and much like a fox shakes the water off of him

Then zoro frees hatchi and he destroys the Macro gang without even trying

Then a two flying fish riders fly towards them and in a flash they are both cut down by Ryo and Zoro

Hatchi: Roronoa! And wait who are you

Zoro: you let your guard down too easily

Ryo: stay back and leave this too us 

Hatchi: Looks like I owe you again roronoa, I'm so sorry fo what I'd too you before

Ryo: (this guy did something to zoro)

Zoro: excuse me

Hatchi: back when we fought I hurt you pretty bad with my six word style

Zoro: oh Did you?! Because I don't think you hit me even once!

Hatchi: oh I guess not and whose the guy with the fox ears

Ryo: The names Kitsune D Ryo, and I'm luffy's older brother

Hatchi: Strawhat's older brother!, (wait Ryo where have I heard that name)

Ryo: Huh Hatchi?

Hatchi: oh nothing

He then sees Sanji and luffy take one out

Then brook puts a few too sleep and takes them out

He then runs on the water away from the others

Luffy then crashes into the headqautwre in a flying fish

Ryo: you know normally I'd say that was weird but we've seen weird in the last hour

Zoro: like a talking starfish?

Ryo: yup a talking star fish

Ryo then clutches his chest and falls too one knee

Ryo: (crap! These stupid injures again)

He then notices zoro breathing heavily

Brook takes out some more fish riders and then jumps onto land

Brook: that's it for me ibe got muscle cramps not that I have any muscles too cramp in the first place

Zoro: Hey nice work out there brook you really thinned those fish riders our huh

Brook: Happy to be of service I think I need a moment of rest

Ryo: Of course you've earned it

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