To The island of an emperor

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Ryo landed and flipped in mid air before using Luna dance and landing right on his hammock

Ryo: ahh just as comfortable as I remember

Pedro sighs: you haven't changed a bit do you know that

Ryo: I've changed a lot I just like having a place to na

Ryo falls asleep finally getting a chance to take a proper nap in something comfortable

He then hears a lot of shouting

Ryo: Ugh what's happening now 'he opens his eyes and sees carrot and blinks a few times' uhh what's she doing here

Carrot: Tagging along, Garchu!

Carrot jumps at him about to bite his ear but Ryo just grabbed her face

Ryo: Nope, none of that

Pedro: I'm sorry but we must take you-Gara back

Carrot: Wah! Please don't Wanda's going to be so mad at me!

Ryo: Yeah not surprising also not our problem

Pedro: Exactly, so would you-gara rather be a nuisance to our saviours

Carrot: I wanted to go on an adventure with everyone just once in my life I didn't mean any harm

Pedro: we are infiltrating the lair of an emperor this is no game!

Carrot: Pedro! Take me with you-Teia I promise I won't cause any trouble, I came prepared, I brought lunch, juice, a snack and a shirt

Brook: I sense a theme all carrots but the shirt huh

Carrot: well there's one of it too

Pekoms: how long will your rations last you?

Carrot: I'd say a good half day, the sea is pretty big huh

They then tell her

Carrot: What! You're saying it takes several days! To reach the island! Even if we are going straight there! How can anything be so enormous!

Ryo: Alright I'm going back to sleep now

Ryo wanders back and falls asleep on his hammock

But he then senses luffy is about too cook something and jumps up

Ryo: Alright! I'll cook

Chopper: Huh? You can cook Ryo

Ryo: Hmm not really, but I won't charge you like Nami and I won't give you food poisoning like luffy

Chopper and brook look at each other

Both: We'll take it!

Luffy: aww but I wanted to cook

Ryo: luffy, shut up and let your big brother take care of this

Luffy: aww fine

Ryo walks into the kitchen and ties his hair up and grabs a knife

Ryo starts making some food and just chops some bread alongside it

He just makes some sandwiches

He then walks out carrying them as Pedro lands

Ryo: Alright I made sandwiches!

This gets everyone's attention a round of thank yous and then Pedro reveals the paper

Luffy: What! The revolutionary's got beaten!

Pedro: Take a look, Dragons your father is he not

Luffy: Hey Ryo look it's Sabo!

Ryo: Oh awesome! He's our big brother

Brook: Sabo? I don't know all the details but he's the one you two ran into in dressrosa right, your brother is the cheif of staff! That's the second in command of the revolutionary army

Nami: you didn't mention that! What kind of family are you!

Chopper: No way that's crazy!

Luffy: Wait so that dragon guy beside him here

Nami: Yes that's your father, you remember what your grandfather said two years ago right?, don't you remember anything, that's your father luffy

Luffy: Huh! That's my dad this guy!

All: You just realised?

Ryo sighs

Luffy: I've never seen him before

Nami: really you never bothered to look him up after you found out the truth, are you serious your father is so famous though, Robin even said he took her under his wing for a while

Luffy: first time seeing him it's really weird, dad sure doesn't look like me anyway I hope sabo is ok

Nami: it says an anonymous tip lead to the discovery of their HQ, but by the time the navy and cipher pol had arrived the black beard pirates had brought the place to utter ruin

Luffy: Black beard! That bastard!

Nami: it also said they found bodies that where completely drained of blood

Ryo: that had to have been my uncle, That monster!

Nami: So that's what your uncle can do then huh?

Ryo nods

Ryo walked off and went back to sleep and goes to sleep for anout half an hour

Then he wakes up too the smell of fire and smoke and chopper shouting

Ryo wakes up

Ryo: Did luffy cook and now it's raining

Chopper: Yeah that sums it up! Also I could use some help up here!m

Ryo: Roger that Doc!

He jumps up into the air and lands on the mast holding the sail

Luffy quickly does the same thing

The ship does a lot of shaking due to the waves

Nami shouts at Pekoms

Somewhere in wano

A tall string looking person with white hair and horns overhears Doflamingo's defeat and who defeated him

They smile

?: So Ryo, you are finally back, don't keep me waiting too long ok

Luffy: Alright the storm has passed and we can all relax! Plus is aged the food! Let's dig in!

They all try his food and look like they are going to die

Luffy then screams Yuck

And apparently he used everything in the fridge

Ryo: THIS IS EXACTLY WHY I DIDN'T LET YOU COOK! But you just did it anyway! How much of an idiot are you!

Luffy: Haha didn't worry we'll be fine

Ryo: Ugh!

Ryo just wanders off too go and get some actual sleep

And that's a wrap

Alright see you all later for hopefully a better and longer chapter

I wanted to get right up too the filler arc so I could skip it easily

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