The Duke, The king of the Day and The master, the king of the night

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They walk in and see a massive dog mink

Wanda runs up and hugs him oh my grace I'm so glad you're well

Dogstorm: don't worry I won't die that easily, so you-gara are the strawhats

Luffy: Uh huh

Dogstorm: I owe you gara for the lives of everyone on Zou, words cannot express my thanks

Luffy: I heard my crew saved you but I just got here so I still don't know the full story yet

Dogstorm: even if you gara weren't all here, the whole crew played a part

Ryo walks forward and does a small bow

Luffy: Huh Ryo?

Ryo: my grace, I'm glad you are ok

Dogstorm: ahh so you are the one I've been hearing about, ember's child

Ryo nods: yes that's me

Dogstorm: yes I remember her well gara, she was fast and strong too, it wasn't too long ago that she was one of the strongest around

Ryo: Really, that's incredible

Dogstorm: That's correct gara, I truly wish she was still with us, I give my deepest condolences

Ryo nods: thank you my grace, Heh I bet she's looking down on us right now

Dogstorm: yes I can guarantee she is

All the crew get smiles on their faces

Ryo gets up and slams back to his brother

Dogstorm then seems interested in something: what do we have here 'he starts looking at brook and drooling'

Brook: oh please no!

Wanda: you must be admiring our saviour baron corpse

Dogstorm: what a delectable looking hero

Wanda: I know he's tempted but you're still injured, maybe later

Brook: How about you don't!

Franky: Just a little bro he's the duke

Brook: have you seen the size of those jaws!? just a little could spell my doom! Plus I've had more than enough already

Ryo bites brook's arm

Brook: ahh what are you doing!?

Ryo let go and licked his lips: sorry just wanted to see what all the fuss was about, gotta say not bad

Brook: Do not do that again! I've had more than enough

Dogstorm: I couldn't help but notice that hat, it suits you very well pirate

Luffy looks confused

Dogstorm: it takes me back to my youth travelling with..admit what's that cats name

Wanda: it's master cat viper sir

Dogstorm: I was sailing the seas with that fool many years ago, there was a young man with a hat just likes yours, he's an emperor now, his name was shanks

Ryo: wait what!

Luffy: you used to sail with shanks! Really! Actually this any belongs to him and

Dogstorm fell asleep

Luffy: Hey rude!

Ryo snickers

Wanda: it is already six o'clock

Ussop: what is he a baby

Luffy climbs on Dogstorm

Luffy: wake up boss dog, you gotta tell me how you know shanks come in wake up

Chopper: luffy stop it, he's too injured

Wanda then explains that Zou is governed by two rulers, one rules during the day and the other during the night

This is because they hate each other so much that if they met, they might fight to the death

They share equal power, both as kings and as warriors, they ended up fighting so often, that they decided to never see each other again

So one rules under the sun from six in the morning to six in the evening

And the other rules under the moon from six in the evening to six in the morning

Thus the two kings ensure that they never cross paths

Franky: I wonder how it got that bad between them

Everyone in the fortress goes to sleep at the same time he does

It affects everything that they do including battle

When Jack attacked the city

They kept on shouting about raizo

Destroying buildings and hurting minks

But the minks fought back

But they where slowly being overwhelmed but the "gifters"

Then the three musketeers showed up to fight them and absolutely destroyed them

Shishilian managed to block jack's attack but was still sent flying

That's when duke Dogstorm showed up to fight this lifted everyone spirits

Dogstorm ordered them to retreat but of course they refused

Jack just told them to shut up and destroy everything in sight

The two armies rushed at each other

But duke told them to stop

He walked up to Jack and dropped his sword then once again said the samurai was not here, he said they could search if they wanted as long as they did it peacefully

Jack once again refused and attacked Dogstorm but the blocked the attack with no effort

Dogstorm once again tells them they don't have the samurai but Jack merely says if they can't find him it's there own fault

So Dogstorm decides that they need to fight

Dogstorm landed a direct blow on jack causing him to topple over but Jack just gets back up

The two once again clash

Things only escalated from there

The duke and the drought continued to fight

Duke was left on the run by Jack but the musketeers seemed to be handling the beast pirates

The other minks held their own too

Then came the rain ruptions

Unfortunately a lot of Jack's men where devil fruit users so they get swept away

The two sides continued to right around the water and they where able to gain the upper hand

But the water level decreased and the pirates strength returned

Then it was six in the evening

That's when master cat viper entered the fray and slammed Jack to the ground with a huge shoulder throw

Master cat viper the man who waits for the dawn of the world

Then Jack returned to his base form and took out two swords

The heart pirates joined in

The battle began again

And that's a wrap

Damn I forgot how good this arc was

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