Striking a celestial

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Ryo is watching the auction seething with anger when he sees another celestial dragon walk in

Chopper: A celestial dragon

Ryo looks like he's about to throw up

Nami: another one huh lots of nobility huh

Sanji: and a admiral will come running to the rescue if we defy one of them.

He hears them talking about the dragon wanting a mermaid

Ryo: (ugh the way that freak walks he's really never worked a day in his life)

He auction continues

The next one is a pirate captain


He passed out 

The curtains closed

Nami: what happened I couldn't tell

Ryo: He bit off his own tongue, not surprising there where times when I was tempted it's definitely a smart choice

Everyone gets angrier

Papagu: Camie no

Framky: where the mermaid already

Chopper: Camie must be so scared

Nami: just hang on a little longer no matter what happens we will save her it's a good thing we've got all that treasure from thriller bark

Papagu: thank you all so much for everything

Ryo: don't mention it, she's our friend too remember

Papagu sniffles: yeah that's right

The guy then says the captain collapsed from a nose bleed

Then it's time for the biggest ticket item

The go full presentation

The pull it out under a tarp

They unveil the silhouette and it's definitely Camie

They unveil it and Camie is there looking terrified but she looks happy when she sees them

Hatchi: camie what are you wishing for do something they're selling her

Nami: I'm on it don't worry We'll get her back no ,after whay

Auctioneer: Now then at what price should we start the bidding!

Nami: Whatever it is I'll top it! We're not leaving here without you camie

Disco: Now let's get this show on the road we'll start at-

Celestial dragon: FIVE HUNDRED MILLION!


Ryo falls to his knees and seethes in absolute rage

Nami: How could this happen! We don't have nearly that much!

Ryo: she's done for, she'll be collared, treated as a pet, tortured and marked she'll become their property

Papagu: a celestial dragon is going to buy her and there's nothing we can do about it

Hatchi: camie...!

Chopper: Can we do anything about this, come in there's gotta be something we can do, Sanji, nami, Ryo, there isn't any time left, if we don't do something no they'll take her away and we'll never get her back

Ryo: we can't compete their word is law, they control essentially all the worlds wealth, there's no stopping them

Hatchi: I won't let this happen! I'll have to help her escape too the ocean by force

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