The man who steals shadows

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Sanji: How about you tell us Now!

Brook goes on too explain his shadow was stolen, and because of that he lost his reflection and can no longer exist in the world of light, while he is alive if he was exposed too the light of the sun

He'd be reduced too ash

Sanji: well I hate to say it but your life sure does suck

Brook: well even still I'm so happy to have it, I've got the Afro. A big smile, the cheery gentlemen skeleton brook always a pleasure!

Sanji: where does all this optimism come form

Brook starts laughing for way too long

Ussop: huh what's wrong with him

Brook: Yohohoho what a wonderful day this has been I met other people! Buried ina heavy fog even though I knew decades had passed I still cousins tell when one day ended and another began, unable too navigate or steer the ship, my companions long since dead all I could do was drift and wait as the waves rocked me back and forth you can't even imagine how lonely I was all those years not just lonely but scared wanting to die every single day even still a long life is a blessing not a curse, you've made me so happy meeting such wonderful people gives my life meaning, if I had, but the ice to shed them, I would be crying tears of happiness right now, I was happy behind measure when you asked me too join you on your crew  and I sincerely want too thank you from the bottom of my heart

Luffy chuckles

Brook: but I'm afraid I must decline your invitation

Luffy: What! Why would you do that

Brook: as I mentioned to all of you just now my shadow has been stolen from me, and I am unable to come into contact with any sunlight, Lonely, though, I may be I am to survive thanks the thick fog covering these  seas, If I were to go on a journey with you, it would only be a matter of time before I met my unfortunate demise, however unlikely it may be I will wait for the day when my shadow can be restored make no bones about it

Luffy: I don't want to hear excuses like that if you need your shadows back so bad then we'll get it back for you, someone stole it from you right who was it where can we find them

Brook: you truly are a kind person aren't you but for that reason im afraid I cannot tell you, we only just met you see I couldn't ask you too throw your life away for me

Ryo: Huh why though

Franky: yeah sure the guys probably tough and all but come on you've got nothing to lose you could at least tell us his name

Brook: no I shouldn't plus I doubt I couod find him anyway but I have decided that when and if I do find him, I will fight him to the death for my shadow, I don't know when my second my friend, but I am willing to wait for it for the rest of my days but never mind that why don't I play a song for you

He pulls out a violin

Brook: I am skilled with the great many instruments you know when I sailed the seas with my old crew, I was the musician

Ryo genuinely excited: YOU'RE A MUSICIAN!



Brook: I haven't played music for anyone in years but here goes

He suddenly screams and falls back

Brook: GHOST

They turn around

They turn around

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