Dragons, centaurs and harpies

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They are facing down a huge fire breathing dragon

Luffy: wow! So cool! Hahah that's awesome!

Ussop: yeah! Yu think getting eaten is cool

Luffy is seriously excited

Then luffy jumps away with a surprised look on his face

The dragon seems hungry and chases Ussop but luffy grabs him

Luffy: listen he was talking, I heard him

Ussop: Gah I think the heats getting too you pal

The dragon stares them down

Ussop: maybe it isn't even a dragon mayge it's so,e thing way more dangerous

Zoro: it sure looks like one though doesn't it

Robin: it does that's a dragon for sure, a lizard like body with massive wings that's exactly how dragons are described in all the myths

Ryo: not exactly we haven't seen it breath fire yet

Then as soon as he says that it's exactly what the dragon does

Ryo: ok well there it is!

They all dodge

Ussop: so it can breath fire too!?, I don't know what I was expecting but come on really

Ryo: this is gonna be good!

Zoro: yeah bring it on!

Luffy: Hahaha, I'm not letting you have all the fun! Second gear!

Luffy strikes it with a gum gum jet bullet

It does some damage but almost nothing 

He's then sent flying by a tail swipe

Ussop: wow! Gah it sees us!

Ryo: let's go!

Zoro: you're mine!

Ussop: knock it off you're making it angry!

The beast rushes at them

Poot I can sense your presence

They are all surprised and jump away

Zoro: oh I see now luffy was right that thing really can talk

Ryo: ehh whatever it all dies the same

Zoro blocks the beasts fangs with his sword and Ryo straight grabs onto them with Haki infused hangers

Luffy: BACK OFF!

The dragon is sent reeling back after luffy punched it

Ryo: that thing really can talk

Luffy: I told ya

Ussop: yeah I heard it too but how!

The dragon emits a mighty roar and then takes too the skies

Luffy excited: That's crazy!

Dragon?: poot are you always allies of he seven warlords

They are all confused and then here comes the fire breath which they all barley dodge

Luffy, Ryo and Zoro find themselves separated from the other two

Zoro: Luffy, Ryo just leave this blow hard to me I'll cut him to pieces in no time

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