All out attack!

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Luffy and Ryo pass by one gate to find another gate and take down all the marines in the span of a few seconds

The two brothers just keep running as cp9 takes Robin closer to the gate

They are faced with even more marines

Ryo is kicking ton of marine ass

While luffy has wrapped himself around a marine and is his g him to punch other marines

Ryo: hahaha that move was amazing luffy We've still got a lot left to go

Luffy: yeah but we don't care

Ryo: oh no we don't

More marines charge and like last time Ryo and luffy take them all out

And then using their devil fruit powers and Luna dance they make it over another gate and enter the main island

They are then surrounded by a ton of marines

Marine: Hey you two how many friends did you bring with you huh hahaha we've got ten thousand soldiers here at enies lobby haha

Ryo: sorry to disappoint you

Luffy: but it's just us

Both: Now get out of our way

Ryo and luffy charge forward together

Using their various abilities they absolutely destroy marines in there way and jjsy don't stop runnning

Cp9 walk through the doors too their chief

Lucci: its been quite a while chief hasn't it, as promised we've brought curry flam the criminal responsible for attacking government officials 8 years ago, we also have Nico Robin the last surviving member of Ohara who we have been trying to catch for the past 2 decades they are both waiting outside if you would like too see them in short the mission was a huge success

Spandam: it's good to have you back

Kalifa: that's harassment

Spandam: all I did was say your name

Itsuki: (when it comes from his mouth it's understandable)

Jabra: just like old times huh lucci and ituski actually I think  you're even more smug then before

Lucci: by sadl you aren't any smarter jabra

Itsuki: or any funnier

Jabra gets up

Kaku: oh come on we've hardly even gotten off the train and the first thing you three do is start bickering

Kumadori: yoyoi! Kaku is right can't we all just get along for, 5 long years we've, awaited p, their return

Fukurou the flies forward and all the members hit him

Kalifa: I had a feeling you where going to test us right away

Itsuki: so annoying

Fukrou: six powers skill competition I'll use an armed guard as reference for the ranking let's say they are about a ten so your power levels are

First kalifa power level 630

Blueno is 820

Kaku: is 2200

itsuki is Wow! 3700

And lucci power level 4000!

Jabra: 3700 and 4000! You've got to be making these numbers up there's no such thing as power levels that high

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