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Ryo wakes up

Ryo: Ugh what hit me 'he rememberers' Oh yeah I remember now

He sits there and looks really depressed before his eyes snap open

Ryo: wait where am I?

?: You haven't figured it out yet?

Ryo turned and his eyes widen

Ryo turned and his eyes widen

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Ryo: Tsuru

Tsuru: yup that's my name kid so do you don't have any idea where you right now is that correct

Ryo confused: uhh yeah last thing I remember I was at sabaody and kuma sent me flying

Tsuru: Well he sent you too the Great prison impel down

Ryo: What!

Tsuru: We've waited a few days your injures where definitely severe but they seem healed enough now and now you will be escorted straight on level 6 where the worst criminals are held

Ryo: you saw my back didn't you?

Tsuru: of course I did and that's exactly why you are being sent down there escaping from a celestial dragon is among the worst crimes

Ryo: but what about-

Tusuru: -the rest of your crew, you should know that they where all sent away just like you who knows where they are 'muttering' damn that kuma, good luck kid try not too die

Ryo was chained up he noticed they where seastone chains

Ryo: (can't say I wasn't expecting this to happen someday just thought it'd take longer)

That's when a very family face he was met with


Garp: So that kuma bastard sent you here huh figures

Ryo: what are you doing here old man

Garp: tch You haven't heard, there's going to be an execution

Ryo: oh yeah and whose the victim

Garp breaths in before almost reluctantly he says one word; Ace

Ryo's eyes widen: (that's why the vivre card was-) Ok! Get me out of here we can save him! You and me

Strikes him in the gut

Ryo: argh

Ryo is hanging by his cuffs

Garp: I'm a vice admiral of the marines and you two are pirates it is my job too make sure you receive the punishment you deserve it's simple as that

Ryo: Choosing your job over your family, I misjudged you grand-pa

Garp flinches but walks away: put him with Ace

Guard: are you sure

Garp: give him someone to talk too who won't threaten to murder him

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