To Dressrosa

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Law is explaining Joker

Law: his underground alias is joker and out of all of Joker's buisness deals he's got one client that's more important than the rest his biggest spender is one of the four emperors kaido the king of the beasts there we go that's our target

Kinemon: Sure you cannot hope to defeat him!

Momo: K,kaido

Ryo: (tch I knew it)

Zoro: Something wrong

Kinemon: oh no by all means go on

Kinemon then shouts about momo being a dragon

Law: Back to the point if we want to defeat kaido we have to strike at his alliances before we take him head on, here's the deal he's getting a bunch of devil fruits from joker mass produced Zoan type called smiles

Ussop hits himself with a hammer: He can make those!? So he can cook up a whole army of people with zoan powers if he wants too!

Law: that's the idea

Nami: How are you so calm about this?

Ryo: Well there's no use freaking out it won't change anything

Law: exactly plus it seems the man made fruits aren't quite stable but even with the risk involved kaido's army now has 500 power holders

Luffy: Oooh!

Ryo: Sweet

Ussop: Alright wh-

Ryo: Ussop Yamato remember she needs our help

Ussop: Oh..right fine sorry

Law: although at least we stopped them from producing more fruits

He looks up at Caesar

Sanji: Really he's the one that was making them

Chopper: Wow that's what S.A.D does they use it too make devil fruits cool

Brook: Very impressive

Caesar laughs

Luffy: S.A.D is that hard to make only he can do it

Law: it was vegapunk's discovery Caesar just put lineage factor to practical use

They walk away from caesar

Chopper: Oh so Vegapunk's the real genius

Sanji: I knew this guy was crap

Caesar anrgy: Oh I'm not a genius then you try making S.A.D!


Ryo: Shut up!

Law: we've stopped the source of production the next step is to wipe out
the distribution there's a factory on dressrosa that manufactures and ships the stuff out

Franky: Oh! And you're saying we should go and bust the place up

Law: if we can find it, I'm sure joker has made sure it's location is a well kept secret more than that he won't just watch his empire fall, he has powerful followers so we should be ready for a fight

Ryo: Well it seems we are heading to dressrosa and are going to be fighting some powerful guys well that's all I need to know

Then a ton of hail clouds form above them and they all jump into action

Because a giant freaking ball of hail appears above them and they shoot off with a

Coup De burst!

And they fly right out of the storm

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