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Cat viper: We can climb the whale from here, I believe you know this route Ryo

Ryo: Yeah I do, me and my mother use to take it but since I can fly now well you know

Cat viper: If you-gara learn which vines to take you can reach the top

Luffy: and this is where raizo is hiding right

Cat viper: Yup

Luffy: Woohoo!

They walk up the tree

Luffy, Ussop and chopper then chant









Luffy: He's a real lfie Ninja! Nin nin!

Chopper: He stalks the shadows! Nin-Nin

Ussop: He bids underwater Nin-Nin

Brook: Yohoho

Momonosuke: I'm starting to feel I'll again kinemon

Kinemon: should I take you down, if you're truly that sick, you shouldn't force yourself

Momo: It's just the further up we go, the louder the voice in my head gets

Kinemon: Then be proud, your father had the same power

Dogstorm: Indeed and he wasn't the only great man who hears the voice

Cat viper: You're right in fact I was thinking the same thing, there was more than one other as well

Then they get too a door it opens revealing a star case in the tree

Ryo: alright I've never been here before

Cat viper: yup even if you could make it up here, its well hidden

They all walk down the stairs

Luffy: This is cool!

Ryo: I know right

They all start moving quickly down the stairs

They hear the sound of crying

Chopper: what was, that noise

Cat viper: Raizo without a doubt

Chopper star eyes: He's so close!

Ussop and chopper: Ninja!

Three kids and then franky run eben faster down the stairs

They get too the bottom of the stairs

Cat viper: There he is behold Raizo, the great ninja

Luffy: oh boy Nin-

Then it's revealed too be a short man, with a giant head crying his eyes out and snot falling from his nose

Raizo: You've come at last cat viper!, curse you! Why didn't you hand me over to the enemy and spare your countrymen! Everyone who brought was grievously injured, my heart could scarcely take it, I was told this land is safe now, is that true?, if it fell to ruin while I was held here! I'll never forgive you

Luffy, Ussop, chopper and franky: Ahh that's not what Ninja's are like at all!

Raizo struggles with his restraints: Hey! What in blazes happened cat viper

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