A Mermaid, a starfish and flying fish

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Ryo gets up on too the ship with his surfboard

He then sees the mermaid and a talking starfish

?: Ahhh oh my god there's a bunch of humans!

Luffy: Uh yeah

Chopper: ok let's all stop screaming

?: oh sorry I was just startled anyway thanks for saving my life it feels like I'm always been swallowed by sea kings this is probably the 20th time

Ussop: you gotta stop that geez

?; there has too be some way I can pay you back, oh octopus fritters

Luffy: You have some oh gimme gimme

Ryo licks his lips

Camie: sure thing they are 500 beris each how many can I put you down for

They all gasp

The starfish then slaps her

starfish: You're not selling them

Camie: Ahh! I'm not am I

Sanji pervs out and about finally meeting a real mermaid and it turns out the mermaids name is camie

Ussop: come on that's not true you met granny Koroko didn't you

Sanji looks devasted: gigantic monsters, zombies that was nothing that's not fear my heart already felt the true meaning of terror when is saw her I

Ussop: it's ok I know exactly how you feel Sanji she's the first mermaid we've met

Ryo nods along

Luffy: huh Granny Kokoro was a mermaid but she could walk and stuff

Franky: oh guess you never found out did ya you where busy fighting that lucci guy when she saved us from drowning

Luffy looks really disturbed: granny Kokoro was cool and all but thinking of her as a mermaid is really gross

Ryo: Definitely

Nami hits them both: You'll both be old someday too!

Luffy: That hurt! Why are you so strong!

Ryo: Seriously! And I'm still injured!

Nami: I don't care!, I've had enough if you men and your gross mermaid fantasies

Robin: but still she is rather cute isn't she

Brook: this is my first encounter with a mermaid as well oh hohoho 'he walks over' pardon me but would you be so kind as to lend me some money

Sanji kicks him: what the hell brook

Camie:  A skeleton!

Sanji: look now your scaring her yiu big freak get out of here

Brook: hey I can open my head pretty cool huh

Camie: that is cool

Ryo: (wow mood swings)

Luffy: Ooh Ryo this is our chance

Ryo: Huh? Oh yeah we can finally ask that question

Luffy: yup, so we gotta know

Both: How do you poop?

Sanji: What is wrong with you two! 'He tries too kick them both'

Camie: oh poop yeah

Sanji: She doesn't poop!

Snaji tries too kick them

They stop when they hear then starfish talking

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