Don't stop moving

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Ryo and luffy are faced with five captains

They rush at them

Luffy: Gum Gum twin pistol!

Luffy punches two of them

That's when two more appear behind him

Ryo sees this and rushes in with one captain behind him ready to fire

The two brothers rush at each other

Looking like their ready too fight each other but then Ryo jumps and luffy ducks

Ryo: Luna! Twin spear!

Ryo fires towards the captains and knocks them both out while luffy takes out the one behind Ryo

They nod too each other and keep running

They punches through some more marines

Luffy: You are not gonna stop us from saving our brother!

Ryo: so you might as well get out of the way!

Ace: (Luffy, Ryo, why do you care so much why does anybody care, why doesn't anyone see that I deserve too die like this, please don't do this just stop just let me die like I'm supposed too, you can't be this stupid stop luffy, grab him Ryo, turn around pops)

Garp: what is it Ace

Ace: I'm ready, ready to accept whatever I deserve, I'll accept any help that's offered too me

'We see Ryo dodging bullets and taking out half a dozen marines)

Ace: but I'll also accept any punishment either one whichever comes first, I'm just ready for all this too end

Ryo has a cannonball fired at him but he stops it with his leg

Ryo: (sorry Sanji gotta steal your move) LUNA SHOT!

He kicks the cannonball right back exploding the cannon

Ryo: Come on I'll keep moving

Ryo keeps moving taking out many marines but then just gets pushing back by more he eventually gets separated from his brother again

That's when a he senses something and dodges it

That's when a he senses something and dodges it

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Ryo: Well hello there

?: Hey! That's rear admiral Jackucho too you, so you better be ready to be captured

Ryo: like hell let's go! Shave!

Jackucho just focuses and disappears too

The two are seen clashing at high speeds over the battle field


Ryo is punched in the gut and he gets winded

Ryo: what..was that

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