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Ryo rushed off into the wintery wilderness

Turns around he ran in completely the opposite directions of the crew and now he's lost

Ryo: well damn looks like I pulled a zoro

Ryo ran off in a certain direction he finds a random dragon smaller than the one before

Ryo: uhh there's another dragon here

The dragon roars at him and flies at him full speed

Ryo jumps over the dragon and slams his leg onto the beast

Ryo: hmm is it dead

The dragon gets back up then launches fire at Ryo but he just puts up his hakified arms and blocked it

Ryo: Ahh toasty Now you are going down!

Ryo turned on thunder cloak for a second before striking the dragon in the jaw and punched it in the face

Then whipped out his claws and sliced the dragon up killing it

Ryo: hmm I enjoyed eating that dragon

He grabs the dragons body

Ryo: this is defined only a one person portion

Ryo found a cave

Lit a fire and started cooking the dragon

Ryo: I wonder what the crew is getting up too, it's too bad I got lost but on the bright side I'm being well fed

Ryo then smelled smoke that wasn't from his fire and went  after the smell and found a big guy lying on the ground

Law: oh dragonkiller is here too

Luffy: oh hey Ryo where'd you go

Ryo: got lost

Luffy: Hahaha dumbass

Ryo: tch anyway what's law doing here

Law: I'm right here and I came here because there's something I want to discuss with you Strawhat I assume you landed on punk hazard by accident

Ryo: that's right

Law: thought so, there's an important key hiding on this island something that's powerful enough to throw the new world into total chaos you see there are two ways to live in the new world, fighting under the umbrella of the four emperors or fighting against them and you don't strike me as the type that likes to work under someone else

Luffy: Yup that's right I'm captain

Law: I see well then you can work with me

Luffy: ok like how

Law: us two will take down one of the four emperors I've got a good plan so tell me are you in

Nami: so let me get this straight we meet by chance on this crazy island and you ask us if we want to fight an emperor out of the blue, look I don't know what this Sleazeball is after but I don't trust him he's up to no good luffy

Law: I'm not saying killing off an emperor would be easy I'm saying our odds would be better if we work together and plan everything step by step what do you say this is your big chance

Luffy: well there's four of them right so which one is it?

Ryo: good question

Nami: which one is it! Don't tell me you are both thinking about it?, we can't team up with him

Law: the name of our target is kaido the king of beasts

Ryo: We're in!

Luffy: huh Ryo

Ryo: There's someone very special to me who I can't help until kaido is defeated and if you can help me do that then I'm in 

Law: good, what about you Strawhat

Luffy: If Ryo needs this kaido guy defeated then we're in too, as long as shanks is last

Nami: Ahh LUFFY!

Back with the crew


Ussop: dammit Luffy, how did you manage to go completely insane innthe time you where out saving Nami I mean you weren't even gone for that long

Luffy: Calm down

Ryo: seriously you are overreacting

Ussop: This psycho already scared the crap out of me now are we supposed to trust him with our lives, now how am I supposed to sleep at night with him around!?

Nami: I told you luffy let's just forget it, it's risky that's why no-one is on board with it it's better for us to do things at our own pace

Chooper: she's right, plus it's way too early to think about challenging the four emperors we're just not ready yet

Law: hey doc fix this raccoon

Chopper: Racoons aren't important right now

Turns out this raccoon was his body and he starts bandaging up while crying

Robin: Luffy I will go along with this but we are all pirates and where you have pirates you're sure to have betrayal, I'm jist conerned because you're so quick to trust

Luffy: Hey are you gonna betray me?

Law: No

Luffy smirks

Ryo has to try really hard to hold in his laugh

Ussop: The rest of us are gonna need more than that!

Ryo: ok I'll give you all more, you all remember Yamato right

Robin: yeah you're girlfriend

Ryo blushes slightly: yeah if you prefer my girlfriend

The rest of them nod

Ryo: The emperor Traffy told us we are going to try and take down has her imprisoned and I promised her I'd come back to save her one day

All of them react to this

Ussop: Oh crap that's actually convincing

Robin: well I was going to go with this no matter what

Franky: That's SUPER romantic I'm board

Nami: dammit fine

Chopper is crying: Alright yeah you've got me too

Luffy: we where going to help Ryo save his girl anyway and my gut says Traffy is an ok guy and even if he's not what's the big deal you where all training for the past two years I'll let you protect me hahaha

The crew: Ahhh!

Ussop: are you kidding me!

They all react nicely too this

Nami: aww luffy look now I'm blushing, if it's too help Ryo save someone he cares about then I'm good

Franky: Thanks a lot buddy I'm super flattered I promise we won't let you down and we'll save Ryo's girl while we're at it!

Chopper: We're only awesome because it's our job there's no need to butter us up you know, plus as you said we where gonna help Ryo  anyway

Ussop: Yeah! Luffy and Ryo! Whatever happens we've got your back and hey even if these other wimps chicken out you've both always got me

Luffy: I knew I could count on you

Ryo: Thanks guys now let's go and save Yamato!

The crew: Yeah!

Law is reacting very interestingly too this

Ryo: you're regretting it already aren't you

Law: No not at all

Law turns them back to their normal bodies apart form Nami whose now in sanji's body

And that's a wrap

Well the alliance has been established now let's get out of here and we can start with the good stuff

The Kitsune's destiny, One piece x male oc Where stories live. Discover now