Children and experimentation

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Ryo is still sleeping because he fell asleep during the story

Ryo is calmly snoring

He's soon woken up by all the children freaking out

Ryo: What the heck is going on!

Chopper: something bad, Sind is there something that you want right now what do you usually do this time of day

Sind: this time of day, we'll I have a check ups after that ugh!

He grabs his head in pain

Chopper: go on what happens next!

Sind: I..get,,some..candy

The kids talk about candy that produces smoke

Sind: maybe that's what I need, when I eat it I feel happy ugh I have some candy then I might feel better

Sanji: what was your name brown beard do you know anything about this

Brown beard: huh

Sanji: this children they're not sick after all

Brown beard: what are you saying? I'm never in the lab I don't know what goes on here but what I do know is these youngsters are suffering from an incurable disease

The other children start to break down too

Apparently the master brought them here to find a cure to their disease

Brown beard: just look at what you've done to them they are acting this way because they left the laboratory if they beware able to get their daily treatment they would be fine right now

Chopper: no way!

Nami: what did you find out?

Ryo: I think I've got the answer, Cravings, trouble breathing, headaches, I don't have that much medical knowledge but I know symptoms of with drawl when I see them

Nami: what!?

Chopper: Ryo is right, NHD 10 I detected it in their sweat samples it's only a trace amount but still this is a stimulant!

Nami: they've been drugged

Chopper: fraid so, they aren't sick like Ryo said they are going through withdrawal only a select group of doctors from certain countries are allowed to use it, I know because Dr kureha was one of the, while it is helpful in curing diseases it's used sparingly because its highly addictive from what I can tell from my research the kids have been consuming small amounts of it each and every day and they've slowly become dependent on it, they crave another dose to ease the pain of their withdrawals, Who would do this!? And too children! You're master's responsible for this isn't he! If he's a saviour then why did he drug them! Was it so they can't escape then why did he drug them!

Brown beard: Watch your mouth! Insult the master and I'll make you pay!

Ryo: You hurt our doctor and the only paying will be you!

Luffy: chopper what now the kids keep collapsing

Sind: Candy

Luffy: you want candy ok do you want to go and get some from the lab for you

Ryo: Luffy No!

Chopper: Yes! Listen to him as much as they want it we can't let them have it anymore that's where it came from they where unaware that they where ingesting the drug because it was hidden in the candy

The kids keep begging for candy but they have to deny them the kids won't stop crying and then something even worse happens

Sind's eyes change and he gets angry

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