The truth about the toys

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They are currently in the suit chamber on the second floor

Solider: Well that certainly was effective wasn't it

The brothers are about to continue moving but viola stops them

Viola: Not time yet, we need to wait

Luffy: first we have to hurry and now we have to wait, Mingo is right there!

Ryo: Luffy ssh

Luffy: Huh?

Viola: Just calm down the Tontata still need time to finish

Luffy: Finish what?

Ryo: Yeah I'm lost too

Viola groans: you don't know about operations S.O.B, well the details aren't important the point is we can't fight Dolflamingo yet

Luffy: Hey how long are these guys gonna take?

Viola then gasps

Ryo: Hey viola what's wrong

Viola: The tontata ran into trouble every single one of them has been defeated nothing but destruction everywhere

Solider: oh no!

Luffy: Well one of our crewmates should be with them right now

Viola: Yes he has a huge nose

Solider: Ussoland

Viola: but it's not good

Ryo: don't worry it'll be fine if Ussop is there everything will work out right Luffy

Luffy: Yeah!

A little later Ryo is bored and he's just thinking

Ryo: (we sure have been through a lot of stuff wait why did we wage war on the world government?, it was to save someone right? Huh)

Soldier grabs a sword

Viola: Strawhat my father was fighting in the Colosseum today

Luffy: The old king?

Viola: He was spured into action after Dolflamingo lied about his advocation, today I decided to fight back like him

Ryo then suddenly feels a huge rush of memories return

Ryo: (huh did I forget about Robin or something? surely not right?)

They suddnely hear someone saying that a girl named sugar passed out

Luffy: What happened in there!?

Viola: They said sugar passed out!

Dolflamingo looks pissed

Viola: ahh they did it the tontata's plan must have worked

Luffy: See told you Ussop took care of it no biggie

Dolflamingo then gets a whole lot of calls all telling him the same thing

The toys are turning back into their original for,s

Dolflamingo could not look more angry

Familles are reunited

Soldiers get to return home

Animals once caged can now be free

But one things remains true with all of them

They are angry! And all of that rage is focused on one man


Then viola gasps

🎶This toy soldier is brave and true

In the rain or in the snow

He will stay with you🎶

Where a toy soldier once stood was now a man

A tall one legged man who just from his presence you could tell two things

He was strong and he was angry

He charged right into the thrown room sword in hand

Luffy: Whose the cape guy!

Ryo: Wait he looks familiar

Viola: Kyros! Even I lost my memories of him

Luffy: Huh? I don't get it what do you mean

Ryo: Wait was that man the toy solider?

Viola: Yes

Luffy: huh how's that work

Viola: Originally the toys where human like us, when they changed they where raised from our memories, the girl who did this sugar passed out just now so our memories suddnely came flooding back

Ryo's eyes sharpen in anger as he thinks back to his time as a slave a time he doesn't like to think about but the memories will always be with him and too think these people suffered for so much longer than him being abused and forced to obey the commands of the family, Ryo was angry too

He's the former captain of king Riku's army


The strongest gladiator in the history of the Colosseum

Ryo: Oh yeah the statue

Viola: yes but he's more than that, he's my brother in law, Rebecca's father!

Luffy: What! But she said she didn't know that guy?

Viola: Once our memories or lost they can't be returned till sugar is stopped even so he's watched over his daughter for the past ten years, even though he was only a toy solider too her he stayed by his side protecting her as best he could

Kryos rushes Dolfamingo!

Dolflamingo: It's you!

Riku: kyros my boy!

Kryos jumps his sword in hand

Kyros: Sir! I'm sorry to keep you waiting these ten long years, king Riku but now I'm here to save you!

He slices and Dolflamingo's head goes flying off of his body

Kryos: We shall reclaim this kingdom! At long last!

Ryo: (No way! Did that do it!?)

And that's a wrap

Short chapter feel like crap and been awake for a long time now so sorry about that but I'll make it up to you eventually

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