Luffy and Ryo vs the Mink tribe

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Luffy and Ryo are wandering around when they see the big whale tree

Ryo: The only thing from Zou I remember

Luffy: Yeah?

Ryo: Me and my mother would climb too the top of that tree and watch the sunset together

Luffy: That's a good idea

Ryo: Huh?

Luffy: If we climbed up there we could check out the whole island

Ryo: Huh? I guess so

They start to jump through the trees shouting for their crew

Ryo senses something

They jump onto a clearing

When suddnely something big is behind the,

Luffy: What are you? You're tall!

Ryo: Tch (I think I know)

The two brothers separated and Ryo ended up fighting a gorilla mink

Ryo: Alright big guy bring it

Gorilla: Begone intruder!

The gorilla swings his massive fist but Ryo dodges

Ryo: Eat this! 'He hakifies his leg and slams an axe kick onto the mink's head'

Gorilla: Argh! 'It growls and crackles with electricity then rushes at Ryo swinging his electrified fist'

Ryo uses his own electro and slams collides with the beasts

Gorilla: What!?

Ryo: Surprised? Just look at my brother

They see him fighting a bull mink and the electro isn't working on him either

Gorilla: What's wrong it doesn't make sense our electro isn't working'


Ryo knee strikes the gorilla in the jaw and then wraps his legs around his neck and slams him to the ground with a head scissor!

Luffy then pushes the bull back

The gorilla grabbed Ryo's legs with his electrified hand and tossed him towards a tree

Ryo: (tch they really do fight like beasts)

Ryo flips in mid air and lands comfortably

Gorilla: Damn you gara we used electro blows like that should've been crushing

Luffy: Not against me because I'm made of rubber

Ryo: And I'm pretty similar too you 'he crackles with electricity'

Luffy: How about we show you huh!

Ryo rushes the gorilla and Luffy rushes the bull

The fox and the gorilla clash in a huge slug fest

Gorilla: Tvh stop moving! Gara

Ryo: That's not how a fight works

Ryo uses the springiness of the ground too launch himself into the gorilla's gut

The gorilla stumbles back then launches his fist

Ryo clenches his fist and clashes with it

electricity flies everywhere around them

Gorilla: How is this possible

Then bepo appears

Bepo: Wait please don't fight them I know them 

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