Reunions and memories

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Ryo is jjsy relaxing now thinking about what Pekoms did for them

Ryo: (will he eben be well enough to talk)

That's when he hears something and sees a ton of massive bees that are suchies massive insects that drink blood

They fend them off until the crocodile thing they where riding on starts getting it's blood sucked out

Then franky draws all the insects towards him using his nipple lights

Ryo then sits down and creates covers himself in electricity

That fries am but that comes his way


And all the bugs are gone

They get bakc on the crocodile things and keep moving

Brook: the great master cat viper, I just know you're going to love him I feel it in my bones in fact I like him so much I directed to write a little song about him

Let's go meet master cat viper, he will know what to do

Let's go meet master cat viper, he will know what to do

Let's go meet master cat viper, he will know what to do

Let's go meet master cat viper, he will know what to do

Let's go meet master cat viper, cat viper, he will know what to do, what to do

Let's go meet master cat viper, cat viper, he will know what to do, what to do

Let's go meet master cat viper, cat viper, he will know what to do, what to do

Luffy: that sounds kinda dumb

Nami: I'm pretty sure you just sang the same line over and over again

Brook: yeah, I felt that was only appropriate since the song is called let's go meet master cat viper

Ussop: you don't say

Robin: you've been working on this for how long and that's all you've got

Brook: oh of course not, just keep listing this is when it gets even better

Take a cat and you add a viper

Call him master

Put it together

Master cat viper

Oh the master is a lonely man

Yes it's sad but true

If had a heart inside of those ribs

It work break in two

Oh the master keeps a vigal at night

Trying not to cry!

As he looks up at the sparkling moon

with a straw in his eye!

Still the master bares his powerful fangs

As he waits for the sun!

Standing guard to help the people he loves

Till the night is done

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