What happend?

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That's when they see a huge amount of water appear

Luffy: Oh man this is gonna be crazy huh?

Ryo: You've got that right!

Luffy: Here it comes, oh boy oh boy oh boy

Ryo: Hold on tight we've got to ride this out

Wanda: He's right!

They dive underwater and the crocodile thing they where riding on swims through the water

They surface again

Ryo shakes off the water like a fox

Ryo: Wait luffy! He can't swim!

Wanda: Well catch him!

Ryo had already left and was jumping from tree to tree at high speed

Ryo: Alright I'm on my way! Luffy!

He soon finds carrot following him

Ryo speeds up and then sees luffy is about to be eaten by a shark

Ryo: (crap!)

Ryo jumps and grabs luffy then use Luna dance to land safely

Ryo: dammit luffy, you've always gotta be a pain

Luffy: Thanks a bunch!

Carrot lands next to them

Carrot: that was awesome, alright we should be safe now

Later they are back on the crocodile

Luffy: Haha that was some rain huh

Ryo: just look at the sky, that wasn't rain

Wanda: Once again Ryo is right, despite their name rain ruptions aren't rain twice everyday zunesha will bathe itself, in other woeful that was
sea water splashed on its back, the water passes through a filtration system at the centre of our city, then is sent through the Aqua ducts to become a source of drinking water for the whole nation

Carrot: Lucky for us fish come down from the rain ruptions too so we don't need to worry about food

Wanda: rain ruptions truly are a blessing

Ryo: Incredible

Luffy: Wow that's really something

Bepo the swings over

Bepo: What's up Strawhat!

Luffy: it's the bear guy

Bepo: I kinda can't leave the forest right now, so next time yous eve the captain tell him his crew is here and he should visit us

Ryo: don't worry we'll tell him

Bepo: We're counting on you

Carrot: Bepo was born here like everybody else, but he's still a pirate so we keep a close watch on him, he's a guest of cat viper the forest boss

Ryo: oh old master cat viper, I remember him vaguely

Wanda: Not surprised he's hard to forget

Carrot then bites on Luffy's ear

Luffy: I told you too stop biting me!

Ryo chuckles

They keep moving

Luffy, The whole city is soaking wet

Wanda: yes but it'll drain shortly

Ryo sniffs: even the water doesn't make the smell go away

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