Ryo vs Gabreil the battle in the skies

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Ryo and Gabriel are facing each

The Gabriel taps the cloud he's standing on with his staff and it the cloud turns black and it strikes at Ryo with a small blast of lightning Ryo is pushed back slightly taking the hit

Gabriel: this is the trail of wings inspired by the god himself with the staff containing a shock dial it can turn any cloud into a storm cloud and storms mean lightning

Ryo: yeah I wouldn't be so happy

Ryo emerges crackling with a bit of electricity but overall not harmed at all

Ryo then charges Gabriel and punches him in the face and he falls off the cloud

Ryo: huh that was easy

And then he's struck and sent flying by a staff and grabs onto a branch and swings onto it

Gabriel: you are a nimble one aren't you

Ryo: oh yeah!

Ryo then runs and jumps right onto the clouds but this time falls right through it this causes him to having to flip and it lands harshly on the ground but not taking too much damage

Ryo: huh I landed on one before

Gabriel: the shock dial changes the density of the clouds now these can't be stood on normal but luckily I have special dials in my sandals and now!

He taps his staff on the cloud again and another blast of lightning is fired right at Ryo

Ryo once again just stands there and tanks it

But this time

He hears a flapping of wings and Gabriel appears right in front of Ryo and strikes him in the gut and sending him flying into a tree

Ryo: wow! That was good Hahaha!

Gabriel: you are pretty insane aren't you

Ryo: not the first time someone has said that too me Hahaha

Ryo: Alright I think I'm warmed up now

And in an instant Ryo delivers a huge uppercut too Gabriel and the follows him once again punching him in the gut

But Gabriel takes it and he's whacked by the staff this time he grabs onto the staff and sends a shock of electricity right through it and it shocks Gabriel and both of them land on the ground


But they are both quickly back on their feet

Ryo growls

Gabriel snarls

Gabriel: you are such a troublesome freak

Ryo: pot calls the kettle black


Ryo: oh that well I'm part of a species that you've never heard of I am half mink and a fox one too be specific

Gabriel: Hahaha cutting you up and delivering you too my hod will be the most precious offering to ever be granted

Ryo rolls his eyes: god huh I met a man who was like that let's just say we didn't get along too well

They stare each other down

Ryo pulls out his sword handle and creates the lighting sword

Gabreil taps a button on his staff and the edge swings around and reveals a golden spear

Ryo: not a bad trick

Gabriel: same to you I like interacting prey

The angel man licks his lips and flaps his wings and flies at Ryo his spear out wards

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