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Ryo wakes up and has a bit of a headache

He then sees a note for him

Ryo if you wake up and see this take the medicine next too it and then after 5 minutes you can come to join us at the place hachimwas talking about

Your doctor

Ryo: Heh

Ryo takes the medicine and feels better already

He gets change and puts on a hoodie, he then pulls his hood over his head and walks jumps off the ship

He walks around the archipelago 

Ryo: hmm if I remember the bar is that way ok let's go

Ryo runs really quickly and jumps from tree too tree

He sees a celestial dragon

Ryo: tch 'his arm twitches towards his sword handle' No! They aren't worth it!

Ryo then gets too shakky's bar

Ryo: Hey! I'm home!

Luffy: Ryo!!!

Chopper: oh you're feeling better are you then

Ryo: yeah much better especially after that medicine

Chopper: aww thats not going to make me happy or anything you jerk

Shakky: is that really you Ryo

Ryo: Hey mum it's been a long time

All: Mum!

Ryo: Yeah this here is the woman who raised me for four years before I had to leave

Shakky: and he's my little boy

Shakky strokes Ryo's hair and he purrs before clapping his hands over his mouth

Brook: wow lucky you Ryo too have such a beautiful mum

Ryo smiles: did you already ask her to show you her panties

Brook: no I asked her what colour they where and she told me

Ryo: of course she did you haven't changed have you

Shakky: of course not just like you haven't, so you guys have a coat job for Rayleigh right

Ryo: yup how long has he been gone this time

Shakky: about half a year now

All but Ryo: Half a year!

Ryo: Relax it's fine he probably met someone in a bar I wouldn't worry though

Shakky: it's just natural behaviour for an ex pirate they go out on adventures and take their time coming back

Luffy: wait Ryo your mechanic dad was a pirate too

Ryo: Yup sure was

Brook: well that's certainly A conundrum I guess we have no other choice but to start searching for myself, so please can you tell me which groves we should start searching first

Ryo: actually I wouldn't look that's the lawless area groves 1 through 29

Chopper looks scared

Shakky: he's quite notorious he can't relax if there's a chance of running into the navy

Ryo: ain't that the truth while the lawless area is our best bet I'd say try sabaody park first he likes it there he always used too take me as a kid he's the guy who taught me to hide my back

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