Order to attack

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Luffy, Ryo and momo are all clutching their heads in pain

Ryo: What the hell do you want with us!

Nami: What's going on who are you two talking to? We really can't hearing anything

Luffy: I don't think he hears us back, he's not answering and I can't tell who are where it's coming from

Franky: I think they've lost it

Ussop: what the hell is that supposed to mean?

Pedro: It's happening again, Gol D roger, Portgas D akuma and lord oden experienced a similar phenomenon, they claimed to have hears a thunderous voice but where unable to communicate

Chopper: but what does it want with them

Zunesha shakes again and more houses fall over

All the minks get away from the buildings but then trees start falling

Zoro and Raizo take care of them

Nami: but why what's causing this?

Zunesha shakes again

Law: does anyone know what's going on here

Zunesha trumpets once more

Dogstorm: any thoughts

St viper: None, but clearly something bad is happening to old zunesha

Momo: Jack has returned!

Everyone is shocked

Wanda: it can't be!

Ryo: you gotta be kidding me!

Pedro: Jacks still alive!

Momo: He's attempting to strike down the elephant, there are five ships attacking the leg at around nine o clock

Carrot: that means zunesha is under attack

Wanda: I can't believe that Jack has survived

Luffy: how'd figure all that stuff out momo

Momo: I'm not sure, it was a vision

Ryo: you saw it?

Momo: it was as clear as day, I don't know how to explain it but it came to my mind, I'm so scared!

Luffy: momo

Dogstorm: that would explain the quaking and zunesha's cry, I believe his vision is true, I curse jack's name, how dar he strike zunesha

Cat viper: I'm glad that monster is still alive and kicking, so we can put him down proper!

All the warrior minks rush off to their shops to fight Jack but then zunesha shakes even more
Then the three get headaches again

Zunesha: the pain is unbearable, if I collapse, then you are all in grave danger!

Momo: The voice speaking too me, is zou itself!

Everyone gasps

Ryo: Yeah that's zunesha's voice

Carrot: Zunesha's speaking

Nami: you can hear zou

Then it happens again more pain

Zunesha: many years in the past, I..I committed

Momo: long ago, the elephant said he committed a crime and ever since all he is permitted too do is roam the seas as penance, so he must continue to..follow that order, H..however

There's when more shaking

Zunesha: Give me the order to fight back!

Ryo digs his claws into the ground

Zunesha: Jist this once! Give me permission!

Momo: The elephant is requesting permission, he needs someone to order him to battle!

Cat viper: Zunesha said that?

Momo: I don't know what to do! Kinemon, kanjuro give your council!

Luffy: Momo!

Ryo: You've gotta say it! Your voice can reach him!

Momo: I'm not so sure

Ryo: That doesn't matter! Just try! If zunesha falls we are all dead that's simple! This is the new world! If we fall into that sea we are done for! So say it!

Momo: but..I doubt I could shout loud enough for him to hear!

Luffy: you have too! The elephant is going to die!

Zunesha shakes been more than before

Luffy: Hurry up momo! The elephant can't take much more just do it!

Ryo: Come on you're going to be the shogun of wano right! You should be able to do this!

Momo looks at everyone struggling

Momo: Elephant!, you cannot give up! Now stand your ground and fight! Here my plea! I wish for you too finally make Jack go away!

Zunesha: understood!

Zunesha then starts shaking even more but that's because it's moving

The mighty elephant is now towering over the beast pirates

It swings its trunk

It makes all the ships soar up into the sky

It reels its trunk back one more time and launches it

And Then destroys every ship in one unbelievably mighty swing

Zunesha then continues walking

Franky: it's calm again

Ussop: what happened?

Momo: I cannot see nor can I hear anything the presence has left me

Ussop: and what about you luffy and you two Ryo

Ryo: Nope

Luffy: yeah it's all gone

Momo falls asleep then they get info from the monkey mink that zunesha eradicated the beast pirates ships

Ryo runs too the head of zunesha and sits down

Ryo: (So you can really speak and have a Will of your own, thank you old friend, you've carried us on your back these long years and kept us safe from the enemy, that we are forever grateful for, plus I think you may have just removed a huge threat being jack, so thanks for that)

Ryo just sits on Zunesha's and enjoys the view, he doesn't know why but he just feels like he wants to relax for now and save his energy

And that's a wrap

Short chapter I know but I need to go somewhere and I wanted to get this done

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