Admiral aolkiji!

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After escaping G8 we cut to our badass fox boy doing his usual thing taking a nap after a long day

He gets woken up by a large wave

Ryo sighs gets up to help out and then the day continues

Then they fought some guy named split head in a davey back fight that was weird, then they all lost their memories, then they met foxy again a whole lot of weird stuff happens

And now they are on an island

Nami: Come on guys we still need to stick up on some emergency supplies

Ryo has a big bag of food over his back

Ussop: Hey chopper did you find any more herbs to use

Chopper: Mhmm this place has all sorts of neat stuff but I'm still looking in case I miss something which reminds me I noticed something weird a second ago there a little groove along the trail here I wonder what it is

Chopper: Mhmm this place has all sorts of neat stuff but I'm still looking in case I miss something which reminds me I noticed something weird a second ago there a little groove along the trail here I wonder what it is

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Ussop: oh your right that is weird looks like a bicycle or something came through here

Sanji: but that doesn't make any sense there's no-one else on the island why would there be a bicycle

Ryo kneels down and sniffs

Chopper: Hmm what do you smell Ryo

Ryo: you aren't going to believe me but it smells like ice

Ussop: Oh that is really weird

Luffy: Hey check it out we're almost through the jungle

Luffy: well that's a let down just looks like a whole lotta nothing out here

Chopper runs forward

Luffy: He's excited did I miss something

Zoro: I don't get it either maybe he found some new herbs

They then see a weird black thing on top of a rock

Luffy: Choper you cheat you where going to hog that big mushroom all too yourself weren't you get back here!

Chopper laughs then falls over

Ryo:  Hey chopper are you ok!

Zoro: there must be something behind that rock come on hurry

Chopper: wow you're not a mushroom

?: hmm a raccoon dog?

Chopper: Can't you see the antlers I'm a reindeer

Ryo: Chopper who are you talking too?

Luffy: Are you hurt?

Ryo steps back when he sees them

Ryo steps back when he sees them

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