God is going down

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Rapheal: REJECT!

Ryo suddenly felt a huge blast to the stomach and is sent flying into a tree smashing it too piece

But of course he's still alive the front of his shirt has been torn to pieces thoguh

Ryo: good..thing..that I moved away the second it went off if took that blast head on I'd be done for

Ryo coughs up a bit of blood

Ryo: well that's not good haven't felt pain like that in a while

With all the energy he had he walked over to his opponent and Rapheal is lying there

With one arm missing and a massive hole through his stomach

Ryo looks at the cloud man with a sad expression

Ryo: I'm sorry I had too I'm not allowed to die not until I save her by taking that bastards head

Ryo closes the mana eyes and walks away

Ryo: say hi to your friend on the other side and apologise from me but now I'm going to go and take down that so called god

Ryo retrieves his sword handle that was thrown away during the battle and then as soon as he does

A bright light appears above him

Ryo: well this again huh

Ryo gets into a stance for deflecting the lightning but coughs again

Ryo: dammit fighting two powerful opponents in a couple of days isn't a good idea really should've trained up some more before I met luffy I'm rusty as hell that guy landed way too many hits on me

And then the lightning strike

Ryo: AHHH!

Ryo grits his teeth


Grabbing his sword handle all the lighting forms into the most conductive spot

The silver at the edge for a brief second Ryo's blade becomes unbelievably long and powerful

But he stabs it into the ground and the power flows into it

Ryo falls to one knee and coughs out some more blood

Ryo: argh ok I think I'm due for a break

Ryo, falls to the ground and passes out

Then he swears he hears a voice

?: that makes 23 remaining in this survival game one hour to go and five will remain

During the battle

His friends are taking out skypieans and shandians

More people fall

The shandian Wiper took out the priest shura

Chopper defeats the ordeal of swamp

Right now the last priest standing is

Ohm and his ordeal of iron

Survival rate


This ordeal had already taken out chopper

But standing before the final priest now 


Then there's a massive snake who has luffy in his belly and is getting frustrated because luffy keeps punching it

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