The shocking twist

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Ryo is still sleeping on the branch purring away

He's then woken up by the sound of a bell

Ryo: hmm what now?

He stretches and jumps off the branch then yawns

His eyes then sharpen and he rushes off in the same direction as all the minks

He meets Pedro on the way

Ryo: you heard it too huh?

Pedro: yeah, now we need to find the master

Ryo nods: well we better pick up the pace

Pedro nods back

They both start moving faster and eventually find cat viper

Pedro: I'm ready!

Cat viper: that's good to hear!

Ryo: I'm here too

Cat viper: you don't need to be here you know

Ryo is serious: Zou is still my home and I will protect it

Cat viper: Heh fine, This is a very serious matter! Try to keep up with me!

All of them yell

Ryo: (kinemon and Kanjuro are here which means I need to go with them)

They all keep running too meet the samurai

They eventually get there

Cat viper: GORO-NYA-GO!, where are the samurai!

Ryo lands beside him: I know their scent I can find them

Mink: people are coming here from all directions so they should catch them along the way

Ryo jumps up onto a building followed by Pedro

Cat viper: Hey! What do you see!

The two share a glance

Ryo: Well this isn't good

Pedro: Not at all

What they saw was duke Dogstorm

Ryo: (uhh this is gonna be bad, please just keep going)

Sishillain then walks past and screams

Dogstorm turns around and so does cat viper

Ryo and Pedro face palm

Shishillian: They've noticed each other! There's no escaping fate anymore!

Pedro: Shishillian

Ryo: Tone it down for once in your life seriously!

The two kings look at each other

Ryo and Pedro jump down

Pedro: Not now

Ryo nods

The two kings walk towards each other

Pedro: master!

Shishillian: your grace!m

They try to push them back

Pedro: it's not worth it don't fight!

Shishillian: Please calm down your bath still injured

But the two kings don't even notice and jisy keep walking

That's when Ryo catches a familiar scent

Ryo: (Ok well this is happening now)

Dogstorm: how many years has it been you-gara look like a wreck

Cat viper: you-re one to talk mutt, seems you're missing one of your legs down there

Dogstorm growls

Ryo: (should I try and stop them, but I don't think I could)

Dogstorm: What can you-gara do with one hand you certainly can't defeat me, go back to your lasagna and eat yourself to death

Cat viper: I was so sad when I found out you-gara had lost one of your legs, cause I was hoping you-gara would lose your life instead, this land ain't got room for two kings

Wanda: you've said enough! Please stop it!

Dogstorm draws his sword: well we can get Reid of one now, since we're both here!

Car viper readies his spear: I've been waiting for this day!

The two clash creating a huge shockwave

Kinemon: Stop fighting now!

They all turn around

Pedro: it's true, a samurai!

Cat viper and Dogstorm stare him down

Kanjuro and momonosuke run over

The two kings walk over

Followed by the other minks and Ryo as well

Ussop: Cat viper and Dogstorm just listen to me! We don't mean this country any harm I promise

Kinemon: I am the samurai kinemon! A lot retainer of the Kozuki clan! Hailing from the land of wano! I am here to reunite with my comrade raizo a fellow warrior can he be found in this land!

Ussop and chopper: He's not where and the counties was practically destroyed because of it you moron!

Nami to luffy: Do something!

Luffy: on it!

They start walking and finally meet the samurai

Then the kings sit down and start crying

Dogstorm: how I've longed for this day

Cat viper is crying his eyes out too

The two kings bow their heads

Raizo is safe

This shocks everyone

Luffy falls to the ground in shock followed by brook

Kinemon: I'm glad to here it, thank you friend

Ussop: Hey old on you two! You're telling me Raizo has been here from the start! And you all knew the whole country!

They all just grin

Ussop: wait..even you Ryo

Ryo doesn't say anything he just nods

Ussop: but..but you all nearly died! And no-one here said a single word! This city stood for a thousand years and nows it's ruined!

Ussop is crying his eyes out

Nami is too

Cat viper walks over and pats Ussop on the head

Cat viper: I'm sorry

Ryo grind and walks over: yeah me too but we had to keep it a secret no matter what even from my own crew

Cat viper: for many years we have been like family to the kozuki clan from the land of wano 'he places a hand on Ryo's head' even if they leave this country that bond is never broken

There's nothing that can't be rebuilt our people would never sell out a friend

And that's a wrap

I know this was a short chapter but I felt that I couldn't end it anywhere else

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