God vs Kitsune

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Ryo is standing in front of his brother who can't move

Ryo: Come on Dolflamingo! Let's go!

The announcer from the colosseum arrived

Ryo: Hey dude hold my brother would you, you would know me as kurama and right now I'm going to take care of Dolflamingo

Announcer: Wait what! You're kurama!

Ryo: Yeah that's right, send a message out five minutes that's all I need to finish what my brother started ok

Announcer: Alright! Just as long as you actually do it! 5 minutes Can you mean work with that?

The soldiers around them cheer

Ryo: Nice job hold off that bird cage for me

Dolfamingo: Hahaha! Do you seriously think you can beat me what kind of form even is that

Ryo: ever heard of the minks?

Dolflamingo: oh so you're a halfbreed then interesting, is this the sulong form I've heard so much about

Ryo: Nope this form is all mine! I trained against monsters bigger than you could even imagine so I needed to gain power from whatever source I could and this was the result The KageOkami also meaning shadow wolf, instead of using my mink power I instead let me Haki flow through my body and when it reaches its peak then I take this form

Dolfamingo: Fine but enough talk let's just do this little fox  BULLET STRING

Doffy fires a whole lot of strings tight at Ryo

But the half mink just stands there until 

He smirks and suddenly disappears in a flash of black lightning

Dolflamingo: (What!)

Ryo appears right in front of him his fist charged wih black lightning


Ryo delivers a huge attack to the warlord striking him right in the gut sending him crashing into the ground

But Dolflamingo gets back up but in less than a second Ryo is in front of him again


Ryo delivers a barrage of black lightning strikes over and over again on Doffy

Dolflamingo growls in pain: OFF WHITE!

Ryo is sent flying but two huge blast of strings straight from the ground

Ryo: (Hmm, so that's what an awakening is like, 'he smirks' interesting!)

Ryo catches himself in mid air and fires right back at the warlord


Ryo tackles Doflamingo into the ground dragging him  through the rubble

Ryo has the injured heavenly demon by the neck

Ryo: Had enough!

Doflamingo laughs: Not even close brat! FLAP THREAD!

Around Ryo appears a huge amount of string that is then imbued with Haki and they are all pointing at him

Ryo: (well shit)

The string is fired at him Ryo takes too the sky to dodge all the attacks

Suddenly he's completely surround and he's struck over and over again

Ryo: (dammit!)

Luffy: Ryo! Do it!

Ryo eyes snap open and he grabs onto his sword handle

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