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Ok quick thing Ryo got given the surfboard he used earlier in the skypiea arc as a gift from pagaya since they never use it

They are surrounded by sirens and lights

🎶 I don't know but I've been told, being a marine won't ever get old, G8's gonna keep things right, if you don't listen we'll use our might, if there dumb enough to come here, bad guys always run in fear🎶

Ryo can hear this from a tree he's in

Ryo: (well it looks like we landed in a marine base ugh just our luck)

He suddenly sees two marines below him

Ryo: hmm

Ryo jumps down and knocks them both out in an instant

And then runs back into the darkness

He then hears Ussop shouting about how they think the going merry is a ghost ship

Ryo: (so they think the going merry is a ghost ship that could work but I'm pretty sure this is that invincible fortress I heard some marines talking about)

Ryo puts his hood up and moves out

He then finds himself in the marine base and knocks our another marine a bit more of a high ranking one this time and steals his clothes and makes sure to absolutely keep his back covered

Ryo: (ugh if they find me I'm totally screwed even I can't fight off an ENITRE fortress worth of marines)

He then walks into the kitchen and sees Sanji and luffy


Ryo: Uh hey!

The marines not noticing anything different: Hey!

Some of them give him a small salute

Ryo awkwardly: Hey!

Chief: so you are one of the new marines they sent in hmm seems you've got promoted congratulations

Ryo: Yeah! I was in charge of taking care of these two making sure they knew there way around since they didn't get given a map Anyway! Cool away boys don't let me stop you

The chiefs snap back into action: right!

Ryo whispers to Sanji and luffy

Ryo: Any if you know where the others are

Sanji: Not a clue we came here to blend in seems you had the same thought

Ryo nods

Ryo then watches Sanji completely humiliate the chiefs by making great food from only the left over parts

Ryo: (they may feed 100p people everyday but this guy feeds me and luffy everyday)

Sanji: this is a battlefield right it's important that the food tastes good but what's more important then that is making sure your good stores last it doesn't matter if you spend 1000 beris or a millpond you should never waste even a scrap of food, it is our duties as chiefs to utilise our ingredients with love and skill just like loving everything about a lady a wise old geezer taught me that

Luffy devours all the 100 meals the others prepared

Ryo: Alright you two we need to go!

Sanji: Come on let's go

Luffy: right thanks for all the food

Head chief: hold it, where you planned on leaving me humiliated like this I won't stand for it I like your spirit and your appetite as of now you two are part of a team

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