Severe shock in the city of water

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Ryo and Luffy are sitting on a roof together, zoro and chopper are on the roof of another building out of earshot

Ryo: you know, you can't keep going on like this

Luffy: I don't know what you mean

Ryo: you look tired

Luffy: I'm fine

Ryo: really,,because haven't eaten anything since the duel and I know for a fact you didn't sleep last night you know how quickly you lose fat you'll starve if you don't eat soon,

Luffy: I'm not hungry

Ryo: I don't care either you eat something or I'll shove it down your throat

Luffy: I said I'm not hungry now drop it

Before Ryo could he heard a door open and they both heard Sanji talking 

Sanji: so this is where you two have been, we went through all the trouble of renting a room a no-one is using it guess nobody could sleep huh and where's luffy and Ryo

Chopper: over there Ryo has been with him all night only taking a break too sleep, so where were you

Sanji: I kept look out over the Rocky cape I wanted to be there in case Robin came back

Chopper: oh

Sanji: she never said anything about leaving I wonder where she went

Chopper: ever since we got too this island it's been one bad thing after another our money was stolen, then there's everything that happened to poor Ussop, he's injured and he could barley even standup and now onto of everything else he's probably got a fever

Zoro: Chopper that's enough ok don't talk about him anymore

Sanji: I think I'll try looking around for her in town today

Chopper: do you think your gonna find her

Sanji: who knows I'm certain she's still here though if anything happens we should use this inn as our meet up point

Chopper: I wanna help I'm gonna come too

Sanji: alright then come on

Nami opens the door with a lot of force

This actually gets the brothers attention

Nami: Luffy!

Sanji: Nami what's wrong

Nami: it's awful the whole cities stalking about Luffy listen to me last night something terrible happened to iceberg

They look in her direction

Luffy: ice pops from the shipyard

Nami: yeah I heard he's still unconscious

Ryo: well that's good I thought everyone loved him so why would someone wanna hurt him

Sanji: who are you talking about

Nami: he's the nice man that helped us out so much yesterday, the president of the shipbuilding company as well as the mayor of water 7

Ryo: not to mention the manager of the sea train

Sanji: sounds like an important guy

Nami: yup it's pretty much the worst thing that could've happened toot his town

Luffy: I'll go check on him

Luffy runs off

Ryo stays there thinking

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