Round 1

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We begin the Colosseum

Ryo and Luffy are faced with Bellamy

Ryo: (whose this guy again)

Luffy: Blamy right

Bellamy: it's Bellamy!

Luffy: Yeah Blamy

Ryo; Oh yeah you're the spring guy that luffy struck into the ground with a single punch I remember you

Luffy: Wait what are you doing here anyway

Bellamy: wha5 do you care it's not like I'm glued to jaya you know, I cam go wherever I please besides dolfamingo is a real hero of mine I've been a fan ever since I was a kid I don't care about the flame flame fruit but I still have plenty to gain by busting some heads out there

Luffy: I'll take you down as many times as I need too

Bellamy: I'll warn you I'm not the same man as before, for starters I saw the sky island just like you

Ryo's eye widens a little bit but goes back to normal

Luffy: you mean skypiea?

Bellamy: I lost all of my crewmates on that trip but it turned my view of the whole world upside down

Ryo: What happened? You didn't hurt anyone right?

Bellamy laughs: Maybe, 'he starts walking away' anyway I'm not going to hold a grudge against you anymore there's a big wave that's about to crash through this world and I think dolfamingo's ship can ride it out either way I'm done laughing at you

Bellamy walked away

Ryo soon relaxed it was his turn to fight as well so he walked off too

Ryo: Well it's my turn luffy I'll see you later

Luffy: cool I'll see ya in the finals

Ryo nods: but we have our agreement right

Luffy: yeah if I get it then it's all yours

Ryo steps put into the arena where he hears the introduction of Bartolommeo

Ryo: (so he's the super rookie Bartolommeo the cannibal interesting)

He gets a ton of trash thrown at him but barto couldn't care less

He then throws something in the air that's revealed too he a bomb but it's actually just a regular ball

Ryo is just not really caring and sitting down the final competitor is Bellamy

Ryo: (oh so he's here too interesting)

The crowd start chanting his name 

Ryo: (people seem to like him at least)

Announcer: now at last the battle of block b is about to be underway the only rule is to stay alive and too be inside of the arena the last one standing is the winner

Ryo gets up and starts stretching

Ryo gets attacked by about 5 people at once but with his acrobatic movements he takes them all out in no time flat

He then sees a bunch of people surrounding the fighting king and decides to have a lie down

Ryo: (so that guy has the king punch but he can only launch it once per hour, a punch that can defeat the four emperors huh yeah I'd believe that when I see it)

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