The Tyrant

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Ryo and zoro are standing against kuma

The pirates say they will fight kuma saying he has no honour and they don't care if he's one of the seven warlords

Zoro: Drop the big talk and stay back

Ryo: He's right we are the ones he called out we'll give him the fight he wants

Zoro: you wanna talk about honour don't but in

Ryo: We'll take him on!

Kuma: your crews developed quite the popular reputation amongst scum that is it seems some of the tales of your crew are true though it's clear that Strawhat luffy has staffed his crew with rather skilled underlings

The other strawhats are flattered

Kuma: you leave a trail of trouble in your wake everywhere you go the infamy is preserved for your captain though you each bare your own share of responsibility, of course There's dragon killer or Raikiri Ryo he developed his own infamy all by himself

Ryo and zoro don't say anything they just get onto a fighting stance

Ussop: don't do it you two, you don't have a chance in the state that you two are in your bones have gotta be nothing but dust

Ryo: if you think this is the biggest monster I've stared down then you'd be wrong, so bowing down too this guy would be a disgrace

Zoro: disaster stares you down you've either gotta step up or just get the hell out of the way, I prefer the former making excuses ain't delay catastrophe

Ryo: So that means I'm going to fight this guy and if I take my last breath doing so then so be it (I'm sorry Yamato forgive me)

Zoro: I feel the same if I die here and now than that is as far as I was meant to go

Lighting/Two sword style!

Thunder crash!

Draw Rashamon!

They unleash their attacks

But kuma dodges and appears in front of them he goes onto strike but they both dodge

Zoro: Holy crap! This guys fast!

Ryo: tell me about it I don't even see him move (this guy can outspeed Haki)

Then he turns to Ryo and fires an orb that looks like a paw he almost dodges it but it strikes him in the side

Ryo: Argh

He is blown back a few feet

Ryo: (what the hell was that, wait are those paw pads)


He deflects the sword attack


He unleashes five lighting slashes but they all get deflected he then moves out of the way from the lighting strike

Chopper: Hw deflected their attacks! How is that even possible

Ryo: well then that certainly jogged my memory

Zoro: and I just figured out what your ability was

Kuma: I ate the paw paw fruit and became a paw padded human

They all have weird reactions too this
Especially Robin

They seem unsure about his powers deadlines especially franky
But then he seends franky skidding across the ground without any effort

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