Arc 4: Chapter 117

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Just like the quietly cooling weather, the wind direction in the court began to change.

  The new emperor, who was dignified and kind when he ascended the throne, has had a sullen face recently. Rather than attending to government affairs, he seems to be looking at his enemies with a pair of sinister eyes.

  Under the high pressure, all the ministers were trembling with fear, fearing that they might accidentally offend the other party and implicate themselves.

  But even so, there were always a few ministers who would be singled out for reprimands at the morning court every day, and today there was even blood: the newly promoted Vice Minister of the Ministry of War was hit on the head by a dropped inkstone, with half of his face stained red.

  The reason is simple. After Lu Tingyun returned to Beijing, the Northern Tatars became restless and launched several small raids ten days ago, burning, killing, looting, coming and going like the wind, making the people living on the border miserable.

  You know, when Lu Tingyun was here, no matter how fierce the fighting was on the front line, civilians would not be harmed. This was almost an iron rule that everyone knew.

  Because Lu Tingyun dared to advance alone and pursue relentlessly, he would repay him a thousand times like thunder.

  The Northern Tatars were born on horseback and are best at guerrilla warfare. Yanzhou City, after all, is just a city with a limited area. It cannot protect all the people along the border, but Lu Tingyun's reputation can.

  The successor defender obviously did not have this ability.

  The best way right now is to transfer Lu Tingyun back to Yanzhou. Even though he is injured and can no longer fight, he can calm people's hearts and stop them from talking.

  But the wound on the Minister of War's forehead has already proved Your Majesty's attitude.

  On the surface, all the ministers naturally followed Jing Ye's wishes and came up with other ideas. However, privately they were secretly worried and suspected that there was something wrong with the new emperor's brain.

 ——Instead of using the most energy-saving candidate, he chose a distant one instead. How could Lu Tingyun, who had no soldiers or power, scare the other party like this?

  Could it be that the rumor among the people that wronged ghosts are seeking revenge is actually true?

  Only Jing Ye himself knew that in two months, the leader of Northern Tatar would die suddenly of an acute illness. By then, due to the change of internal political power, he would naturally have no energy to harass Dajing, which would instead provide an opportunity for them to take advantage of.

  Since victory is inevitable, why should he let the tiger go back to the mountain?

  As for those common people who became captives and refugees overnight, Jing Ye never cared about them from beginning to end. One must sacrifice in order to gain. He wanted to let the entire northern border know that the current Lu Tingyun is no longer the General Zhen'an who saved people from dire straits. In the future, only the imperial power can protect the people of the northern border.

  If you want to live, you have no choice but to kneel down and worship Jingye.

  So what if you have nightmares every night? In reality, everyone still has to bow down to you and don't dare to say a word back.

  However, Jing Ye forgot that throughout history, court officials have tolerated incompetent rulers because they are easy to manipulate and convenient for them to seek benefits;

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