Arc 6: Chapter 166

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Huo Ye always keeps his word. When he said he wanted to teach Song Xiu how to calm her mind, he was very clear about it.

  The Qingyun Sect practices swordsmanship, and the former, as a leader among them, gets up at dawn every day to practice swordsmanship. Recently, he has even brought his new Taoist partner along.

  Song Xiu's new body was weak and he loved to sleep in, so Huo Ye held him in his arms every time. Only when they reached the top of the mountain did he reluctantly change into human form.

  ——He was not being disrespectful on purpose, but the spiritual power in his body was not yet stable. Whenever he transformed, he always left some "decorations" such as a tail or ears, as if he was afraid that others would not recognize that he was a monster.

  Huo Ye accepted this well.

  As if he had completely forgotten the young man's misbehavior in his arms that day, his words and actions were normal, but he rarely had physical contact with Song Xiu, and his eyes no longer stared at the short fluffy tail.

  Even though I haven't eaten pork, I have seen pigs run. 4404 felt something strange. [Why do I feel that someone actually cares a lot?]

  At that time, Song Xiu was sitting in the pavilion on the top of Mingyue Peak, closing his eyes and breathing in the essence of the sun and the moon. He had just performed a set of sword moves fifteen times before getting Huo Ye's nod. His forehead was slightly wet with sweat and his face was a little flushed.

  He was obviously good at it but pretended to be clumsy. Hearing Little Twelve's muttering, he easily distracted himself and hummed, "You are smart."

  Before this, when had Huo Ye ever avoided me? I could touch the back of his ears whenever I wanted, and after he turned into a human, I could touch his tail, not to mention looking at it.

  But now he looks like a self-disciplined and polite gentleman.

  This was naturally due to the other party's consideration that he might feel embarrassed due to his sensitive nature, but if one were to attribute it all to consideration, Song Xiu definitely wouldn't believe it.

  If he was really open-minded, why didn't Huo Ye push me away that day?

  Just as the other party said, Qingyun Sect has many ways to calm the mind. Any one of them can make him sober. Why would he need to ask why he should continue?

  But Song Xiu did not break the window paper: indulgence is harmful to the body. At the very least, before Huo Ye comes to his senses, he must first try his best to learn to "control himself".

  ...Two damn minutes.

  Doesn't the rabbit have any face?

  [Stop, stop, stop creating mosaics in your sea of ​​consciousness.] After a little thought, 4404 sincerely suggested, [How about I go to the mall and find some props for you?]


  What props?

  Many of the flower market literature he had read in the past suddenly popped up in his mind. Song Xiu was surprised. [I didn't expect it, Xiao Twelve. Who is making the mosaic? ]

  4404: ...

  [Although I don't know what you are talking about,] a mechanical voice sounded, and it corrected indifferently, [But I am talking about Bing Xin Dan.]

  Take one pill and all six desires will disappear.

  While chatting, Song Xiu's ears moved slightly. Although he didn't hear any sound, he felt something in his heart. He opened his eyes and saw a man putting away his sword and walking towards him not far away.

After the protagonist's HE, I ran away all night [Quick Travel]Where stories live. Discover now